Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 49 2022
P. 12

NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  investment in Norway’s continental shelf.
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  FSUOGM: China stresses close energy re-
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  lationship with Russia
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  China is eager to expand its partnership with
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  Russia in the energy sphere, Chinese President
                         for each section the full text will be available as  Xi Jinping said last week, days before the EU
                         before.                              is set to impose its embargo on Russian crude
                                                              imports. China has ramped up imports of Rus-
                         AfrOil: ExxonMobil reportedly preparing to  sian oil despite the economic slowdown caused
                         exit Equatorial Guinea               by stringent COVID-19 restrictions this year,
                         The US super-major ExxonMobil has started  taking advantage of the steep discount that Urals
                         ramping down oil production at Block B, located  and other Russian blends are currently trading at
                         offshore Equatorial Guinea, and aims to exit the  compared to global benchmarks.
                         country once its licence for the site expires in
                         2026, two sources close to the matter informed  GLNG: Bangladesh turns to Brunei for LNG
                         Reuters on November 28. According to the  supply
                         sources, the US giant is motivated partly by an  Bangladesh has turned to Brunei for a supple-
                         industry-wide push to swap out ageing assets in  mental supply of LNG, the country’s media has
                         West Africa for frontier African initiatives that  reported. A delegation of officials from Bangla-
                         have lower greenhouse gas emissions intensity,  desh’s Energy and Mineral Resource Division
                         such as deepwater drilling offshore Namibia.  has visited Brunei’s capital of Bandar Seri Bega-
                                                              wan to discuss shipments of up to 1.5mn tonnes
                         AsianOil: India’s embrace of natural gas  during 2023.
                         India has embraced natural gas in the last few  LatAmOil: BP affiliate to market Guyanese
                         years as a means of safeguarding its energy  oil in 2023
                         security at a low cost, even at the expense of  Guyana’s government has granted a subsidiary
                         its substantial domestic coal reserves. In the  of BP (UK) the right to market its share of crude
                         years prior to the aftermath of the coronavirus  oil extracted from the Liza-1 and Liza-2 oilfields
                         (COVID-19), this was a rational choice just on  at the offshore Stabroek block in 2023. The Min-
                         an economic basis.                   istry of Natural Resources announced that BP
                                                              International had won the marketing contract
                         DMEA: Kenyan insurer exits Ugandan oil  for next year on November 24.
                         pipeline consortium
                         Nairobi-listed Britam Holdings has withdrawn  MEOG: Aramco makes gas discoveries
                         from a consortium of East African insurers pro-  Majority state-backed Saudi Aramco has dis-
                         viding coverage for a planned 1,443-km oil pipe-  covered two new unconventional gas fields
                         line in Uganda and Tanzania, saying the project  in the Kingdom’s Eastern Province as it steps
                         does not meet its backers’ standards. Britam’s  up its gas production efforts. In comments
                         decision came to light in early November, when  provided to the official Saudi Press Agency,
                         the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO),  Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman
                         an independent agency of the World Bank,  Al-Saud said the discoveries were called Awtad
                         responded to a complaint filed by Inclusive  and Al-Dahna. The discoveries are understood
                         Development International, a US-based human  to be tight gas.
                         rights organisation.
                                                              NorthAmOil: ExxonMobil, MHI to deploy
                         EurOil: Norway holds off on further frontier  CO2 capture technology
                         oil, gas licensing rounds until 2025  ExxonMobil and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
                         As Europe grapples with soaring energy prices  (MHI) have joined forces to deploy MHI’s CO2
                         that are widely expected to remain for years to  capture technology as part of ExxonMobil’s
                         come, Norway, the continent’s biggest natural  end-to-end carbon capture and storage solution
                         gas supplier, has decided to hold off on future  for industrial customers. The companies bring
                         oil and gas licensing rounds in frontier zones  complementary capabilities to facilitate industry
                         until at least 2025. The decision – made as part  decarbonisation projects, said ExxonMobil.
                         of a budget agreement between the minority
                         government and the opposition Socialist Left   See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         (SV) party – will have little impact on near-term  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   08•December•2022
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