Page 5 - MEOG Week 36 2022
P. 5

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                         of 18 months. IDC has 43 drilling and workover   Exports ran at 3.643mn bpd including vol-
                         rigs in operation across Iraqi oilfields.  umes trucked into Jordan and Kirkuk crude
                           Nasiriyah was shut in during February  blended with Kurdish grades and sold by the
                         after protesters blocked workers’ access to the  Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). How-
                         site. Capacity at the field is believed to stand at  ever, exports via Kurdistan fell by 45,000 bpd,
                         around 70,000 bpd, produced from the Mishrif  with a 25,000-bpd uptick from Federal areas
                         formation, though production over the last two  failing to offset the drop.
                         years has been hamstrung by Baghdad’s efforts   BOC had been hoping to increase the export
                         to comply with OPEC+ output restrictions. The  capacity at ABOT by around 150,000 bpd during
                         field has estimated reserves of 4bn barrels.  Q2, but delays in improving flows to the facility
                           DQOC also oversees the development of the  have pushed the completion date back. ABOT
                         Subba field and has been in discussions with US  has a current capacity of 3.35mn bpd, which Iraq
                         major Chevron for oil exploration elsewhere in  uses almost in its entirety.
                         the governorate, though talks have been paused   In mid-July, Reuters quoted a local industry
                         in February until a new government has been  source as saying that infrastructure allows for
                         appointed in Baghdad.                exports of just 3.3mn bpd from ABOT, but BOC
                           IDC also recently completed work drilling the  had hoped to increase this to 3.45mn bpd by the
                         J120P well at the Al-Gharraf oilfield, reaching a  end of June.
                         total depth of 3,037 metres, with two further   This has now been revised to 3.35mn bpd in
                         wells completed in July at Majnoon and Zubair.  August and 3.45mn bpd. However, the source
                         Abdul Karim explained that the MJ-136 well was  said: “I’m not sure if BOC can meet this dead-
                         drilled for Majnoon’s operator the Basra Oil Co.  line due to the delay in the [pumping stations]
                         (BOC) as part of a 43-well campaign in collab-  project.”
                         oration with Halliburton, while the ZB-536 well   BOC is also working to rehabilitate two pipe-
                         was drilled for Zubair’s Italian operator Eni in  lines that feed the nearby Khor al-Amaya Oil
                         just 22 days.                        Terminal (KAAOT). Ruptures in the conduits
                                                              forced the terminal to go offline in 2017 and
                         Production increase                  only return to operations briefly in the interven-
                         Also this week, the state oil marketer Somo  ing period.
                         reported that Iraqi oil output had increased   The export figures follow the leak of KRG
                         by 1% during August, in line with its OPEC+  documents warning that without further invest-
                         production quota following three months of  ment, the region’s oil production could fall from
                         overproduction.                      around 430,000 bpd to just 240,000 bpd by 2027.
                           Crude flowed at 4.651mn bpd in August,  Documents shown to Reuters last week sug-
                         up from 4.584mn bpd a month earlier, though  gested that sufficient investment could see out-
                         exports actually fell as Somo faced issues export-  put reach 580,000 bpd, providing 530,000 bpd
                         ing oil through the Al-Basrah Oil Terminal  for export. However, given the precarious nature
                         (ABOT), meaning that the additional output was  of dealing with the KRG for energy sector play-
                         consumed locally or put into storage. 35,000 bpd  ers, bookmakers would likely offer long odds on
                         of crude was burned for electricity generation.  such a figure being met.™

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