Page 12 - DMEA Week 37 2021
P. 12
Protestors reportedly block Libyan terminals
AFRICA PROTESTERS are reported to have prevented of Ras Lanuf refinery in 2013.
the loading of oil tankers at two Libyan terminals LERCO, which is a joint venture between
this week, just days after loading had resumed NOC and a subsidiary of the UAE’s Al Ghurair
following disruption. Group, operates the 200,000 barrel per day (bpd)
Sources were quoted by Reuters saying that facility. The appeal relates to an arbitration ruling
protesters had returned to Ras Lanuf and Es in 2018 relating to a complex dispute between
Sider on September 14, demanding jobs for the parties which led to the refinery being closed.
locals and management changes within the Attempts to restart the plant faltered and
National Oil Co. (NOC), with the company hav- plans to invest $2bn in the refinery had to be
ing reported the reopening of the facilities just shelved, leading to disagreements over the finan-
four days earlier. cial management of the plant.
On September 14, Argus quoted trading and Via social media, NOC said that the Paris
shipping sources as saying that the Kriti Bastion court had upheld the ruling that instructed
tanker had begun crude loading at Ras Lanuf, LERCO to pay NOC more than $115mn plus
with Vortexa reporting that the Yannis P vessel interest, which amounted to $132mn as of Feb-
remained in the vicinity of Es Sider. Both vessels ruary 28.
have since sailed to Italy – Sardinia and Sicily The court also confirmed LERCO’s obliga-
respectively. Protesters at Es Sider were reported tions under a take-or-pay contract and ordered
to have been calling for NOC chairman Mustafa the company to pay $120,000 in costs.
Sanalla. Sanalla said: “NOC is the trusted guard-
Loading was also reported to have been dis- ian of the Libyan oil wealth. It has not and will
rupted at the eastern terminal of Marsa el-Hariga never hesitate to take the steps necessary to
with students demanding job opportunities. protect and preserve that wealth.” The com-
In March, a Paris court of appeal had upheld pany added it would “take all necessary steps to
an arbitration ruling against Libyan Emirates Oil enforce its rights under the award and the court’s
Refining Co. (LERCO) pertaining to the closure decision”.
DNG Energy, Imperial unveil pilot LNG plan
AFRICA DNG Energy of South Africa has teamed up with on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. “We are
Imperial Logistics, another local company, for a excited to partner with Imperial on this journey
pilot project that will test the use of LNG as an to decarbonise the transport logistics industry,”
alternative to diesel in the transport sector. he was quoted as saying in the statement.
The partners unveiled their plans earlier this “This move is significant for DNG because
month, saying in a joint statement that they were our goal is to offer a cleaner energy source that
working together to “proactively respond to the enables our customers to be more competitive,
drive towards a net-zero carbon transport sector while contributing towards significantly reduc-
in South Africa.” ing their environmental footprint. Imperial’s
They added: “The results of the pilot will go a operations in South Africa and across the Afri-
long way towards ensuring that LNG is adopted can continent offer a tangible platform to show
as a credible transition fuel that will take South how LNG can optimise trade for companies and
Africa towards a cleaner future.” reduce costs.”
In the statement, DNG and Imperial said For his part, Imperial’s CEO Mohammad
that the pilot project would be carried out over Akoojee highlighted his company’s commitment
a period of six months. They did not say how to emissions reduction. “One of Imperial’s stra-
much the project was likely to cost, but they tegic pillars is integrating environmental, social
did note that DNG would be responsible for and governance [ESG] practices into our busi-
designing, manufacturing and delivering the ness activities, and this partnership, alongside
equipment needed to dispense and store LNG other initiatives, is an exciting step in Imperial’s
designated for use as transport fuel. This will journey towards gaining important insights that
include the cryogenic tanks that keep LNG at the position us at the forefront of alternative energy
proper cold temperatures, they noted. fleets,” he commented. “Not only does it demon-
As of press time, it was not clear when the strate our commitment to a just transition to a
partners intended to launch the pilot project. low-carbon economy, but it also enables us to
Aldworth Mbalati, the group CEO of DNG, provide our sustainability-conscious clients
described the joint initiative as an important step and principals with substantially greener supply
towards mitigating the transport sector’s impact chain solutions.”
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 37 16•September•2021