Page 15 - DMEA Week 37 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       explosive cargoes pose serious threat to the   plans were afoot to review the port concession   “It’s not a matter of I am not going to renew
       facility and the nation, adding that it would   agreement in order to be fair to all parties   the agreement but to find out why are they
       be wise for government to shut down the   involved in the process of renewal.  not functioning properly. Is it because of the
       terminal and give rooms for the evacuation of   Mijinyawa who is also the chairman,   Covid? Is it the NPA defaulting? Is it them
       such items.                         Seaport Concession, NPA, pointed out that   defaulting? So, you just have to go through
         According to him, the executive board of   the terminal operators had testified that NPA   the documents and see for yourself before you
       NPA will hold a retreat to determine the next   was committed to the concession agreement   make a judgment of that; so that we can be
       line of actions on Ikorodu Lighter Terminal   and would further ensure fair play to all   fair to all parties”.
       in Lagos.                           parties involved in the renewal process.   According to him, the terminal operators
         “The executive management would have a   He said, “We have to sit down and have   appreciated the efforts of the NPA on the
       retreat and I wouldn’t tell you what the retreat   a review of everything and of course if there   working relationship between stakeholders as
       is all about but in two weeks time, we are   are those worthy of renewal we just have to   against the backdrop of port operations since
       going to shut the port terminal at Ikorodu and   give them that opportunity but for the ones   2006.
       that is what we are going to do”, he reaffirmed.  that have defaulted, it is better you find out   TIDE NEWS
         On the issue of revoking the licenses of   why they default before any necessary actions
       some terminal operators,  Mijinyawa said   because you just have to strike a balance.

       Week 37   16•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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