Page 9 - DMEA Week 25 2022
P. 9

DMEA                                              FUELS                                               DMEA

       IFC deepens ties with Sodigaz for

       supply of clean, reliable energy

        AFRICA           WITH the aim of boosting access to cleaner and  limiting social and economic development,
                         more reliable energy in Burkina Faso, including  with much of the population of 21m reliant
                         for rural households, the International Finance  on wood and charcoal for cooking. Increasing
                         Corporation (IFC) has announced a local cur-  access to gas and solar will provide householders
                         rency financing package for Sodigaz, one of the  with cleaner, healthier, more reliable sources of
                         country’s leading energy companies.  energy. “IFC’s support will help strengthen Sod-
                           IFC’s support will help Sodigaz increase the  igaz’s capabilities, bring to fruition structuring
                         distribution of liquified petroleum gas (LPG)  projects, enhance its operational efficiency, and
                         to underserved rural households across Bur-  develop households’ access to clean cooking and
                         kina Faso and bring solar energy to a 1,000-  solar energy solutions in Burkina Faso,” said Lala
                         unit affordable housing project near the capital,  Bolly, Chief Executive Officer of Sodigaz.
                         Ouagadougou, contributing to better health out-  Olivier Buyoya, IFC’s Country Manager for
                         comes and supporting the country’s transition to  Burkina Faso, said improving access to clean
                         cleaner energy.                      energy solutions for better economic and health
                           The €12.4mn financing package announced  outcomes is a priority for IFC in Burkina Faso.
                         on June 16 consists of a local currency loan up  “IFC is proud to support a local champion’s
                         to the equivalent of €8.4mn in CFA francs from  ambition to support cleaner energy supply in
                         IFC’s own account and a parallel loan equivalent  Burkina Faso through investment in renewable
                         to €4mn in CFA francs mobilized from a partner  energies and accelerating the switch to cleaner
                         commercial bank.  The investment will support  LPG from solid fuels,” he said.
                         the expansion of Sodigaz’s LPG distribution   IFC’s investment is supported by the Interna-
                         infrastructure in rural and urban areas and the  tional Development Association (IDA) Private
                         construction of a 1.54 MWp (megawatt-peak)  Sector Window (PSW) Local Currency Facility
                         solar plant.                         (LCF), through guarantees and cross-currency
                           Only about 20% of the population of Bur-  swaps. The IDA PSW LCF helped provide long-
                         kina Faso is connected to the grid (around 65%  term financing in CFA francs that would not oth-
                         in urban areas and less than 5% in rural areas),  erwise be readily available in the local market.™

       Ethiopia denies fuel

       shortage amid aid delays

        AFRICA           ETHIOPIA has denied a report by the Euro-  comes to Mekelle cannot reach rural areas where
                         pean Union which stated that a lack of fuel is  the needs are highest,” Lenarcic is quoted as say-
                         preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to  ing. “So now we have a situation where human-
                         Tigray, the famine-struck region in the north of  itarian houses in Mekelle are full, but the people
                         the country.                         out there in the countryside are still hungry.”
                           Speaking to Voice of America, a spokes-  The war between the Ethiopian federal gov-
                         woman for Ethiopia’s prime minister, Billene  ernment and the rebel Tigray People’s Liberation
                         Seyoum, called the report a “myth” perpetuated  Front, which started in November 2020, has left
                         by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)  many on the brink of famine. This March, Addis
                         “to enhance mobility of its army in preparation  Ababa announced a humanitarian truce to allow
                         for another round of conflict.”      aid into Tigray.
                           On June 21, European Union Commissioner   According to the prime minister, the aid
                         for Crisis Management Janez Lenarcic said that  can flow through freely, and the fuel crisis isn’t
                         Tigrayans were not getting enough aid due to  a real issue. “So, the myth of fuel shortage is a
                         fuel shortages, as there were enough lorrie to  TPLF hidden agenda to enhance mobility of its
                         bring aid to Tigray.                 army in preparation for another round of con-
                           “There’s a need to lift restrictions, especially  flict. Hence, there are no fuel sanctions and such
                         on the provision of fuel. More fuel is needed  claims need to be reviewed with clarity on the
                         because without it, even this food assistance that  reality,” Seyoum said.™

       Week 25   23•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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