Page 14 - DMEA Week 25 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Business Council and Nawaf Bin Saeed   Meanwhile, the delegation of Saudi   gas, housing & construction, infrastructure
       Maliki, Ambassador of Royal Embassy of   Arabia visited Pakistan led by Fahad Bin   development, renewable energy, information
       Saudi Arabia to Pakistan attended the business  Mohammed Al-Bash, Chairman, Saudi-Pak   technology, food processing, edible oil,
       conference held at PM Office Islamabad.   Business Council and held B2B meetings   logistics, sports, tourism & hospitality. He
       The federal minister and chairman Board of   with the members of Islamabad Chamber of   stressed that Saudi investors should capitalize
       investment Chaudhary Salik Hussain along   Commerce & Industry (ICCI) in a local hotel   on them to earn lucrative returns. He said
       with secretary Board of investment thanked   to explore business collaborations in areas   that the Saudi delegation should also explore
       this esteemed high level VVIP business   of interest. The delegation was representing   textile, agriculture, construction materials,
       delegation for visiting Pakistan.   various sectors including edible oil & fats,   medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, fruits
         The Minister said that this business meet-  food processing, trading, building materials,   & vegetables, dry fruits, consumer goods,
       up, and following meetings in Lahore, Sialkot,   tourism & hospitality, manufacturing, medical   agro-processing technologies, machinery
       Faisalabad & Karachi, will provide a dynamic   tools & equipment, Fintech, pharmaceuticals   & equipment and other sectors for business
       platform for furthering Pak-Saudi Business   and infrastructure services. The delegation   opportunities. He stressed that it was the right
       to Business and Government to Business   would also visit Lahore and Karachi.  time for Saudi investors to focus on Pakistan
       linkages besides offering us the opportunity    Speaking at the occasion, Fahad Bin   for JVs and investment.
       to interact and explore new vistas of mutual   Mohammed Al-Bash, Chairman, Saudi-Pak   Khalid Iqbal Malik, Chairman Founder
       cooperation including trade & investment   Business Council said that the Saudi investors   Group briefed the Saudi delegation members
       opportunities.                      were keen to leverage business and investment   about the investment opportunities in CPEC
         The minister highlighted that the Saudi   opportunities in Pakistan. He stressed that   and stressed that they should exploit them
       Pakistan Business Council, is playing a crucial   the high-level government-to-government   for business development. He said that Saudi
       and constructive role in providing conducive   relations between the two countries should be   Arabia had agreed in principle to establish
       platform to promote business to business   matched with strong trade relations to achieve   a multi-billion-dollar refinery complex in
       (B2B) interactions between the Pakistani and   better results. He urged that the private   Gwadar that should be transformed into a
       Saudi business communities. This visit will   sectors of both countries should tap business   reality.
       surely pave way to form formidable economic   opportunities in each other’s country in order   NATION PK
       alliances and facilitate Pakistan-Saudi business  to complement their economies. He said that
       growth. The Minister and Secretary BOI   20 percent of the workforce in Saudi Arabia   Honeywell technology
       acknowledged that Crown Prince Mohammad  was from Pakistan and his country wanted to
       Bin Salam projected his Vision-2030 aimed   import more trained workers from Pakistan.   selected to modernise
       at diversification of Saudi economy away   He said that many sectors of the Saudi
       from the traditional oil-based approach. In   economy including chemical industry, real   Egyptian refinery
       this context, Pakistan is keen to join hands   estate and tourism offered good opportunities
       with the Kingdom and reduce its excessive   to Pakistani investors. He said that they   Honeywell has announced that Alexandria
       reliance on imported oil plan for a sustainable   have seen a lot of business opportunities in   National Refining and Petrochemical Co.
       economic future.                    Pakistan and were working with the embassies   (ANRPC) will upgrade its existing naphtha
         The visit of this high-level business   of both countries to leverage them up to   complex using Honeywell UOP engineering
       delegation is the first step towards this   maximum level. He said that exhibitions of   services to increase the production of
       direction. Addressing the participants   Saudi products in Pakistan and Pakistani   gasoline, which will help decrease the depend-
       the minister said that there are ample   products in Saudi Arabia would be organized   ency on imported fuels in Egypt.
       opportunities for Saudi investors in multiples   to introduce the export potential of both   The upgrade, which creates high quality
       sectors of Pakistan’s economy, especial   countries. He hoped that the visit of the Saudi   product and feed-stock for petrochemical
       tourism, coal & gas exploration, agriculture,   trade delegation to Pakistan would help in   production, will be applied to two UOP
       food processing, mining, renewable energy,   further promoting bilateral trade between the   Naphtha Hydrotreating Units to pretreat
       refinery, petrochemicals and information   two countries.                the feedstocks to two CCR PlatformingTM
       technology sectors, to invest with 100%   Addressing the delegation, Muhammad   Process Units and a PenexTM/DIH Process
       equity or through joint ventures in various   Shakeel Munir, President, Islamabad   Units at ANRPC’s refinery in Alexandria,
       fields. Repatriation of investment and profit   Chamber of Commerce & Industry said   Egypt.
       are allowed with legal protection provisioned   that Pakistan offers great opportunities of   Honeywell UOP will revamp the naphtha
       under the Acts of Parliament to protect   JVs and investment in various sectors of its   complex to increase ANRPC’s naphtha
       foreign investment.                 economy including mines & minerals, oil &   processing, projected to be up to 125%.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   23•June•2022
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