Page 16 - DMEA Week 25 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       regulating the LPG sector in August 2021 after   Given that funding for coal projects   construction come online, the Hwange facility
       noting the rising demand.           is drying up after China announced in   would have an installed capacity of 1,520MW.
         Zimbabwe experiences regular power cuts   September 2021 that it was halting financing   However, the Industrial and Commercial
       as its small and ageing generating facilities   coal projects abroad, Mataruse said, the   Bank of China and China Minsheng Banking
       are struggling to meet demand. Without   country will focus on harnessing its solar   Corporation pulled out of a proposed coal-
       electricity, some urban households are forced   potential.               fired facility in central Zimbabwe.
       to poach for firewood from nearby farms   Two units at Hwange colliery that are set to   “We have licensed more than 90
       while better-resourced ones resort to cooking   generate a combined 600MW by March 2023   independent power producers and the retail
       gas. It is estimated that Zimbabwe produces   were the last to receive funding from China   sector, like many other companies are doing,
       an average 1,100MW of electricity daily while   in 2018. The two generating units at a larger   should take lead in setting up solar mini-grids
       demand is about 1,500MW. The deficit is met   government-owned facility received $1.5bn   for its own use,” Mataruse said, as quoted by
       by load shedding and importing power from   from China Exim Bank.        The Herald.
       neighbouring South Africa and Mozambique   An existing section has a nameplate   BNE
       when foreign currency to pay for it is   capacity of 920MW so by the first quarter
       available.                          of the year when the two units under

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   23•June•2022
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