Page 15 - DMEA Week 25 2022
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

         “ANRPC has utilised Honeywell        The decision is to check the rising costs   users themselves can be able to access foreign
       technology in their refinery since 2001,   of the products and their resultant economic   exchange on the Import and Export window
       they know and trust our products and   hardship.                         and they should be able to import these
       have selected Honeywell UOP because of   Recall that the Airline Operators of Nigeria   products.”
       its ability to understand our customers’   (AON) had in March 2022 threatened to shut   The minister dismissed the attribution of
       needs for these complex refinery upgrades,”   down flights over the rising cost of Jet A-1.   the scarcity of diesel and aviation fuel to the
       said Laura Leonard, Vice President and   As of then, it sold for over N700 per litre, a   government, saying it was a global energy
       General Manager, Honeywell UOP Process   development that also led to a 100 per rise in   challenge.
       Technologies. “Our technologies will allow   the cost of local air travel. Today, diesel sells   He added that the Russian and Ukraine
       this refinery to revamp its naphtha complexes   for close to N820 per litre.  war has further aggravated the prices of the
       resulting in improved production at ANRPC.”  When the National Assembly intervened,   two deregulated products.
         “ANRPC would like to express their   the association demanded and got the support   His words: “It is not a supply issue at all.
       profound happiness and gratitude for   to be granted a waiver to import aviation fuel   It is just a global problem. The problem in
       Honeywell UOP’s technology in our revamp   for its members.              Ukraine and Russia has actually exacerbated
       and capacity upgrade project,” said ANRPC   At a meeting with NNPC Limited on   the rise in prices as it is not a Nigerian
       Chairman, Mr Salah Gaber. “We hope to   March 14, 2022, the Group Managing   problem.
       collaborate with Honeywell UOP again in the   Director, Mele Kyari, informed the House   “High cost of diesel is also because of
       future.”                            of Representatives that the licence would be   the same reasons. These are not subsidized
         ANRPC is considered one of the biggest   granted to the operators to check the rising   commodities. They have deregulated
       refining companies in Egypt. Working under   cost of the product and keep the airlines   commodities so it is actually not within the
       the umbrella of Egyptian general petroleum   afloat.                     purview of the government to intervene in the
       corporation (EGPC) it was founded with the   Similarly, the Manufacturers Association   price.”
       latest international standards using the license   of Nigeria (MAN) had also urged the Federal   THE NATION
       of UOP (Honeywell).                 Government to give its members some rebate
       HYDROCARBON TECH                    as the cost of diesel hit N720 per litre.  LPG usage in Zimbabwe
                                              But Sylva told reporters that the
                                           liberalisation of the importation of the two   spiked in 2021
       FUELS                               deregulated products would make it possible
                                           for their users to access foreign exchange to   Zimbabwe consumed about 50mn kg of
       Fed Govt to liberalise diesel,      import them.                         liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in 2021,
                                                                                up from just 1mn kg in 2017, state-owned
                                              The minister blamed the frequent scarcity
       aviation fuel imports               of the products and their high prices on the   daily The Herald reports, citing the industry
                                           paucity of foreign exchange.
       The Nigerian National Petroleum Co.    Sylva said: “The problem with aviation fuel   Norbert Mataruse, consumer services
       (NNPC) Limited is soon to lose its monopoly   is that it is a deregulated commodity. So, it is   manager of Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory
       of the importation of Automotive Gas Oil   not within the purview of the government to   Authority (ZERA), told a retailers’ conference
       (AGO) otherwise known as diesel and Jet-A1   fix the prices at all.      on June 21 that the country was not yet self-
       (aviation fuel).                       “And of course, the actual issue is also the   sufficient in terms of electricity supply hence
         Petroleum Resources Minister of State   paucity of foreign exchange. People cannot   consumers were increasingly turning to LPG
       Timipre Sylva said yesterday at the ministerial   access foreign exchange to import diesel.  for cooking.
       meeting on the Reactivation of the Trans-  “So, for the time being, NNPC has been   “LPG consumption has improved
       Saharan Gas Pipeline (TSGP) Project in   the main importer of these products. But   significantly in the last five years reaching
       Abuja, saying the Federal Government was set   what we are trying to do is to democratise   50mn kg, which pushed us to start regulating
       to decentralise the process.        the importation so that the aviation fuel   the sector,” he said, noting ZERA started

       Week 25   23•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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