Page 4 - DMEA Week 49 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Oman targets mid-, downstream

       amid flurry of MoUs

       Muscat is making progress with efforts to become a regional and global hub
       for refined product trade, leveraging its position on important trade routes.

        MIDDLE EAST      STRATEGICALLY located outside the Strait of  Saudi Aramco’s trading arm agreed with OQ to
                         Hormuz, Oman has long sought to leverage its  explore the potential for providing feedstock for
                         position to diversify its economy. At the heart of  the unit and the petchem complex and store oil
       WHAT:             these ambitions is the former fishing village of  at a new facility nearby.
       Oman and Saudi Arabia   Duqm where a major new downstream hub is   The non-binding deal will see Aramco Trad-
       have signed a raft of   being developed to mainly target export markets.  ing Co. (ATC) and the Omani firm “collaborate
       deals focusing mainly on   With just over a year until the completion  directly or through their affiliates on exploring
       energy as the pair seek   of key facilities there, Muscat is readying for  business prospects in the Omani port of Duqm
       to make the most of trade   an economic boost and lining up international  and nearby crude oil storage terminal of Ras
       flows.            partners.                            Markaz,” according to OQ.
                           This week, companies from Oman and Saudi   “The parties will undertake a joint review
       WHY:              Arabia signed a raft of agreements during a visit  of ATC supplying feedstock to Duqm Refinery
       The Duqm Refinery is   by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman  & Petrochemicals Industries Company LLC
       around 87% complete   (MbS) as part of an ongoing tour of Gulf states.  (OQ8), as well as possible offtake of oil products
       and will process 230,000   The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) announced  by ATC from OQ8,” the 50:50 joint venture (JV)
       bpd when operational.  that a total of 13 memoranda of understanding  between OQ and Kuwait Petroleum Interna-
                         (MoUs) worth $30bn had been signed between  tional that is developing the Duqm refinery.
       WHAT NEXT:        Saudi firms and Omani companies owned by the   OQ8’s head of project management at Duqm
       Down the coast, a   Sultanate’s investment authority and the private  Yousuf Al-Jahdhami recently told Oman News
       storage terminal at   sector covering energy, pharmaceuticals and  Agency that after around three years of works,
       Ras Markaz will launch   mining.                       the $8bn facility has reached 87% completion.
       next year, increasing   While broad in hydrogen, renewables and   OQ noted that the MoU may yet be expanded
       Oman’s credentials as a   petrochemicals MoUs were announced between  to include renewables, waste and green ammo-
       midstream player.  Oman’s state oil firm OQ, Saudi’s ACWA Power  nia and hydrogen as efforts to grow the nascent
                         and Air Products, more specific agreements  sector ride a wave of state backing. At present,
                         were signed that focus on the Special Economic  the Duqm refinery will receive 65% of its feed-
                         Zone at Duqm (SEZAD).                stock from Kuwait, with the remainder sourced
                         Duqm development                       For Aramco, the potential tie-up would pro-
                         With the 230,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery  vide a new regional outlet for Saudi Arabian oil.
                         expected to come into operation in early 2023,  While it continues to work on expanding oil

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   09•December•2021
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