Page 6 - DMEA Week 49 2021
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Aramco closes

       gas pipelines deal

       Aramco has executed its second major asset monetisation deal,
       securing $15.5bn up front for the lease of its gas pipeline network.

        MIDDLE EAST      SAUDI Aramco this week closed a highly antic-  Aramco’s president and CEO Amin Nasser
                         ipated deal to lease and lease back a minority  said: “With gas expected to play a key role in the
                         share in the Kingdom’s gas pipeline network,  global transition to a more sustainable energy
       WHAT:             beating the valuation achieved for its oil network  future, our partners will benefit from a deal tied
       BlackRock and Hassana   in the process.                to a world-class gas infrastructure asset.”
       have acquired a 49%   The transaction is Aramco’s second in what   Meanwhile, having recently urged investors
       stake in Aramco’s gas   is expected to be a string of asset monetisation  to back sustainable stocks, BlackRock’s chairman
       pipeline business for the   deals, following the lead of regional rival Abu  and CEO Larry Fink said: “Aramco and Saudi
       next 20 years.    Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC). The Saudi  Arabia are taking meaningful, forward-looking
                         firm said that the deal “unlocks additional value  steps to transition the Saudi economy toward
       WHY:              from Aramco’s diverse asset base”, noting that  renewables, clean hydrogen and a net zero
       The firms will lease the   the “compelling investment opportunity” had  future. Responsibly managed natural gas infra-
       network back for a tariff,   attracted significant interest from a global pool  structure has a meaningful role to play in this
       though Aramco will   of investors.                     transition.”
       retain full ownership and
       operational control.  Deal detail                      Financing
                         In a statement to press on December 7, Aramco  While details about the financing of the deal are
       WHAT NEXT:        announced that it had signed a 20-year agree-  yet to be announced, Aramco is believed to have
       Work is ongoing to   ment with a consortium jointly led by Black-  submitted a request for proposals (RfP) to a pool
       expand the Master   Rock Real Assets and Hassana, the investment  of banks.
       Gas System and the   management arm of the kingdom’s General   Citigroup, HSBC Holdings and Mizuho
       Kingdom recently said it   Organisation of Social Insurance (GOSI), worth  Financial Group were all reported to have
       will further increase its   $15.5bn, which the Saudi firm will receive up  been involved in providing around $10.5bn of
       capacity.         front, “further strengthening its balance sheet”.  financing for the transaction, with equity said to
                           The investors will hold a 49% stake in the new  comprise around $3.5bn of the investment in a
                         Aramco Gas Pipeline Co. (AGPC), with the par-  structure that largely mirrors that of the oil pipe-
                         ent firm holding the majority share.  lines deal.
                           By leasing the rights to the gas network then   In September, EIG and its AOPC partners
                         leasing these rights back to Aramco, the inves-  were reported to be preparing to issue $4-4.5bn
                         tors will be entitled to receive a pipeline utilisa-  of bonds to refinance the loan that paid for pipe-
                         tion tariff from Aramco, which will retain full  line lease. Sources said that the bonds would be
                         ownership and operational control of the pipe-  issued in two or three tranches, echoing com-
                         line network.                        ments reported at the time of the deal, though
                           The deal follows the closure in June of a sim-  expediting the 2022-2024 timeline.
                         ilarly structured deal for a 49% stake in Aramco   The first of these was expected to be issued
                         Oil Pipelines Co. (AOPC) that brought the  in October, with the consortium targeting at
                         company an upfront payment of $12.4bn for a  least $4bn. A second tranche is planned to cover
                         25-year lease. The stake in the oil pipeline busi-  around $5-5.5bn, though no date for this has yet
                         ness was leased to a consortium led by US-based  been indicated.
                         EIG Global Energy Partners and including Abu
                         Dhabi sovereign fund Mubadala, China’s Silk  Gas network
                         Road Fund and Hassana.               Aramco’s gas network includes the Master Gas
                           The Saudi investment firm had been widely  System which transports gas from the reserve-
                         tipped to be involved in the bidding process,  rich Eastern Province to population hubs in
                         with BlackRock also reported last month as a  Central and Western areas.
                         likely bidder. It is understood that other inves-  The Master Gas System network has a total
                         tors may join the consortium at a later date, as  current capacity of 9.6bn cubic feet (272mn
                         Mubadala, Silk Road Fund and Hassana did fol-  cubic metres) per day following expansion in
                         lowing the oil transaction.          2017 and 2018.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   09•December•2021
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