Page 11 - DMEA Week 49 2021
P. 11

DMEA                                      PETROCHEMICALS                                              DMEA

       Borouge awards contracts for expansion

        MIDDLE EAST      ABU Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) and  includes integration of Borouge 4 with existing
                         Austria’s Borealis this week awarded contracts  facilities and the construction of non-process
                         for the development of their Abu Dhabi Poly-  buildings, roads, infrastructure, internal and
                         mers Co. (Borouge) joint venture’s fourth facility  external interfaces, tankage systems and flaring
                         in the UAE’s Ruwais downstream hub.  systems.
                           Following the partners’ commitment last   Upon completion of the new units, Bor-
                         month to invest $6.2bn to develop the Borouge  ouge will become the world’s largest single-site
                         4 polyolefin (PO) plant by 2025, five engineering,  polyolefin complex, while output will be used
                         procurement and construction (EPC) packages  as feedstock for ADNOC’s world-scale TA’ZIZ
                         were awarded this week.              chemicals complex within the company’s Ruwais
                           The first package, which covers early EPC  Derivatives Park.
                         work including site preparation, was awarded   This will have a production slate covering
                         to local firm Al Asab General Transport and  940,000 tpy of chlor-alkali, 1.1mn tpy of ethylene
                         Contracting.                         dichloride and 360,000 tpy of polyvinyl chloride
                           Package 2 covering the facility’s 1.5mn tonne  (PVC).
                         per year (tpy) ethane cracker was awarded to a   The partners said that the combination of
                         consortium of France’s Technip Energies with  Borealis’ proprietary Borstar technology and
                         the local Target Engineering. The deal is under-  hexene co-monomer “will enable the production
                         stood to be valued at $500mn-$1bn.   of advanced packaging grades with up to 50%
                           The lump-sum turnkey (LSTK) packages  recycled polyethylene content”.
                         three, four and five were all awarded to Italian   Meanwhile, a study is ongoing for a carbon
                         EPC contractor Tecnimont and are worth a com-  capture unit that would reduce the facility’s car-
                         bined total of $3.5bn. These include a polyolefin  bon emissions by 80%.
                         units package covering two 700,000 tpy polyeth-  Following the expansion, Borouge will have
                         ylene (PE) units and a 1-hexene unit; a package  a total BO production capacity of 6.4mn tpy, up
                         for a 100,000 tpy cross-linkable PE (XLPE) unit;  from the current 4.5mn tpy achieved through the
                         and one covering offsites and utilities which  launch of Borouge 3 around eight years ago.™


       Pipe for Tema-Akosombo line arrives at Tema

        AFRICA           GHANA has taken delivery at the Tema Port of  the fulfilment of its strategic plan to turn the
                         about 5,400 12-inch pipes slated for use which  company into the strongest actor in the down-
                         in expanding the petroleum transportation line  stream sector of our part of Africa, providing fuel
                         to Akosombo.                         security to the nation and others in the region,”
                           The pipes, which cost about $63.2mn comes  Hakman said.
                         with an additional $8mn to refurbish them, will   BOST was incorporated in December 1993 to
                         cover a 70km distance.               manage the business of storage and transmission
                           Delivery of the pipelines had been delayed 12  of petroleum products.
                         years due to some managerial setbacks. Procure-  For his part, managing director Edwin
                         ment of these pipelines started in 2009 with an  Provencal said the arrival and installation of
                         EXIM facility. However, the pipelines got stuck  the pipelines is in line with BOST’s strategy to
                         in Houston, Texas.                   increase product volumes conveyed through the
                           Once installed, they should facilitate delivery  cheapest transportation conduit.
                         of 2bn litres of petroleum products annually at   “This arrival (of the pipelines) could not have
                         a significantly reduced cost. Installation is how-  come at a better time than now when the reacti-
                         ever expected to take 18 months and not com-  vation of the Bolgatanga deport for export has
                         mence until mid-2022.                made it more than necessary for high volumes
                           Speaking to the press during a formal hand-  of petroleum products to be transferred between
                         ing over ceremony, Bulk Oil Storage and Trans-  Tema and Akosombo for onward distribution to
                         portation Company (BOST) board chairman  Buipe through our river barges to meet the surg-
                         Ekow Hakman said that the company’s transfor-  ing demand in the Northern sector at well as the
                         mational agenda can be seen through the arrival  landlocked countries,” he said.
                         of the pipes in Ghana.                 Provencal also said that his outfit is poised to
                           “I’d like to assure the general public, the man-  contribute to Ghana’s benefit from the African
                         agement and staff of the company that the Board  Continental Free Trade Area by improving oper-
                         would continue to support the management in  ational efficiency and expanding its assets.™

       Week 49   09•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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