Page 13 - DMEA Week 49 2021
P. 13

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

                                           Gaussin to explore H2                region.
       COMPANIES                                                                distribution business to serve the Middle East
       Revenues of Libya’s NOC hit  vehicles in Saudi                           Aramco’s Advanced Innovation Center
                                                                                  The two companies also agreed that
       $1.9bn in October                   Saudi Aramco announced the signing   (LAB7) will be closely involved in Gaussin’s
                                                                                development of hydrogen-powered vehicles
                                           of five agreements with leading French
       Revenues of Libya’s oil champion the National   companies, including an agreement to explore   and the development of a remote controlled/
       Oil Company (NOC) from crude oil and   a hydrogen-powered vehicle business with   autonomous hydrogen racing truck. LAB7
       gas as well as petrochemicals hit $1.9bn   Gaussin, a pioneer in clean and intelligent   aims to integrate Aramco’s composite
       in October 2021 on growing output and   transport solutions.             materials into Gaussin’s existing range
       favourable oil prices.                Signing of the agreements took place   of products to reduce the weight, energy
         The vast majority of hydrocarbon revenues   during an event in Jeddah, organized by the   consumption and cost of these vehicles.
       amounting to $1.85bn derived from crude   Ministry of Investment to explore investment   Aramco will also be sponsoring the world’s
       oil sales. A further $34mn was generated   opportunities for French companies in Saudi   first hydrogen-fueled racing truck, which has
       from sales of natural gas and condensates,   Arabia. The event was attended by H.E. Khalid  been developed by Gaussin and which will
       while NOC’s revenues from oil bi-product   Al Falih, Minister of Investment of Saudi   compete in the 2022 Dakar Rally in Saudi
       sales in October stood at $34mn, and from   Arabia and H.E. Franck Riester, Minister   Arabia. Aramco’s sponsorship of Gaussin’s
       petrochemicals at $2.23mn.          Delegate for Foreign Trade and Economic   participation in the Dakar Rally continues
         NOC remained committed to supplying   Attractiveness of France, along with Aramco   to promote low-emission transportation
       oil to Libya’s electricity generation sector   President and CEO, Amin H. Nasser.  technology developments.
       in September, delivering crude oil worth   Amin H. Nasser, Aramco President and   Other agreements announced today seek
       $19.3mn to Ubari power station as well as oil   CEO, said: “This partnership is a continuation   to further Aramco’s research and development
       worth $3.65mn to fulfil the fuel requirements   of Aramco’s long-standing relationship with   in the areas of carbon capture technology,
       of the Mellitah electricity company.  a number of leading French companies.   artificial intelligence and local manufacturing.
         Libya, an OPEC member, has managed   It represents an opportunity to promote   The MoU’s include:
       to keep its production above 1mn barrels   hydrogen as a low-carbon solution, not just   Air Liquide - Non-binding MoU to
       per day (bpd) since November 2020 and   for motorsport, but eventually for mass   evaluate low Carbon hydrogen and ammonia
       production hit 1.3mn bpd in April. Hopes of   transportation as well. Such collaboration   production, logistics, and backcracking
       a recovery and production were boosted with   helps us to advance economic growth in the   technology and an additional non-binding
       the formation of a national unity government   Kingdom as part of the Namaat industrial   MoU to evaluate Carbon Capture &
       in mid-March ending a split between duelling   investment program and takes us a step closer   Sequestration (CCS) opportunities.
       eastern and western administrations. NOC   to our shared vision of a more sustainable   Alteia - Non-binding MoU to develop
       aims to raise daily production to 1.45mn bpd   future.”                  advanced artificial intelligence driven
       by the end of 2021 and to 1.6mn bpd within   The agreement between Aramco   geospatial imagery interpretation and
       two years and 2.1mn bpd within four years.   and Gaussin aims to establish a modern   processing capabilities in the Kingdom of
       The NOC plans to start new oilfields in the   manufacturing facility for on-road and   Saudi Arabia.
       coming months in the basins of Sirte, in the   off-road hydrogen powered vehicles in the   Axens - non-binding MoU to explore the
       central part of the country, and Ghadmis, in   Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As a first step,   local manufacturing and maintenance services
       the west.                           Gaussin and Aramco will study the feasibility   of furnaces and fired heaters.
       BNE                                 of a manufacturing facility and a hydrogen   ARAMCO

       Week 49   09•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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