Page 15 - DMEA Week 49 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       at the port.                        General to initiate the tendering process   government through the Treasury Registrar
         The Head of State said among the projects   afresh.                    and the Ministry of Finance and Planning,
       that she smelt rot at the beginning of her   She added that it was high time to think of   each holding 50 per cent of the company’s
       presidency in March 2021, was the project   companies which the government had a joint   equity.
       aimed at putting up fuel tanks at the country’s   venture with. “What stunned me was the fact   President Samia noted that in initiating
       major port.                         that the government has 50 per cent in Puma   development projects, TPS should think of
         “After realising that this multi-million   Energy Tanzania which has several unused   engaging companies with partnership with the
       shilling project was not favouring the   fuel tanks, I wonder why it was important to   government in order to increase performance.
       national interests, I directed the TPA Director   go into initiating a process to contract another   “I want to reiterate that upon
       General Erick Hamis to suspend the contract   private company,” she pointed out.  implementation of serious projects, the TPA
       immediately, because the project was not   The government owns a 50 per cent   boss and the ministry should make sure that
       viable to the nation,” she said.    stake in Puma Energy, a globally integrated   they keep their eyes on the projects, and
         The president said that she was glad that   midstream and downstream energy company   ensure professionalism and accountability,”
       the project was halted after her directives,   operating in the country since 2011.  she said.
       at the same time, asked the TPA Director   The company is jointly owned by the   TANZANIA DAILY

       Week 49   09•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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