Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 24 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       diversified investing universe. Our expanded   about providing leadership to this important   develop carbon capture and permanent
       focus will be on financing growing companies,  area and ensuring CRC’s ESG initiatives   sequestration (CCS) within Nebraska.
       both within Canada and across North   are well understood and bring positive   Through this arrangement, Chief Ethanol,
       America”.                           outcomes for our communities, employees   a division of Chief Industries, based in
         ARC is committed to pursuing investments  and shareholders. CRC has great potential to   Hastings, NE, joins forces with Catahoula,
       in the traditional oil and gas space, as global   elevate its ESG leadership by leveraging its   a portfolio company of private investment
       demand persists and traditional fuels will   strategic position, assets and opportunities   firm the Energy and Minerals Group (EMG),
       continue to support and enable the transition   to contribute to California’s decarbonisation   one of the largest investors in midstream
       to a net-zero emissions based energy   and energy transition efforts. To be more   infrastructure in North America and a
       system. Both areas are presenting attractive   specific, I am particularly thrilled about   proven leader in identifying, developing and
       opportunities for ARC’s capital and expertise.  CCS opportunities within CRC’s vast asset   executing world-class design/build/operate
       ARC FINANCIAL, June 17, 2021        base that can become building blocks that   capabilities for midstream assets.
                                           help California meet its carbon goals while   Catahoula and Chief are currently
       California Resources                sustainably supporting the State’s energy   evaluating CCS infrastructure investments
                                                                                that will enhance the sustainability and
                                           demand.” Mr. Gould also has extensive
       announces appointment               experience in energy trading, finance,   improve the economics of ethanol production
                                           strategic planning, and technology innovation
                                                                                through low-cost carbon storage within
       of first chief sustainability       focused on decarbonisation. His commitment   Nebraska. Work has already begun to evaluate
                                                                                favorable storage geology through Catahoula’s
                                           to sustainability and the environment
       officer                             has been reflected throughout his career,   joint development arrangement with Battelle.
                                                                                  “The passage of LB650 shows that
                                           beginning with his early engineering focus on
       California Resources today announced   environmental remediation, his service as a   Nebraska is serious about our global
       that Chris Gould has been appointed as the   trustee on the board of a global environmental  environment. Allowing for the geologic
       company’s first ever executive vice president   conservation non-profit, and his work to   storage of carbon dioxide will truly benefit the
       and chief sustainability officer. “Bringing   commercialize innovative decarbonisation   citizens and industries within our state,” said
       Chris on board reflects the importance of   technologies. Mr. Gould holds a Bachelor   Chief Industries, Inc. CEO, DJ Eihusen. “Chief
       our ESG initiatives and our commitment   of Civil Engineering from Penn State   is excited to be teaming up with a group such
       to decarbonisation and a realistic energy   University and an MBA from the University of  as Catahoula. Their expertise and knowledge
       transition,” said Mac McFarland, CEO and   Pittsburgh.                   in this space leaves us encouraged that Chief
       president. “His considerable leadership   CALIFORNIA RESOURCES, June 14, 2021  Industries, Inc. will continue to provide a
       skills and experience in climate change and                              lasting and positive environmental impact.”
       implementation of new technologies will   Chief Industries and             “We see Nebraska’s forward-thinking
       help the company deliver on our goals while                              support of carbon dioxide sequestration as
       maintaining ESG leadership.”        Catahoula Resources                  a springboard for differentiating Nebraska’s
         For the past decade, Mr. Gould has served                              ethanol industry and we are excited to
       as Senior Vice President Corporate Strategy   announce agreement to      expand upon this vision by aligning with
       and Chief Innovation and Sustainability                                  Chief--a strong, deeply rooted, family-owned
       Officer of a Fortune 100 energy company.   advance carbon capture        company. The use of proven carbon capture
       In this role he built and led the company’s                              infrastructure targeting nearby, low-cost
       overall climate/ESG programs, including   and sequestration in           storage is a compelling plan for investment
       the development of climate mitigation and                                in the local economies of Nebraska,” said Jeff
       adaptation transition plans. “CRC’s Board   Nebraska                     Rawls, CEO of Catahoula Resources.
       believes a strong ESG focus is critical to the                           CHIEF INDUSTRIES AND CATAHOULA
       Company’s mission and will drive value   Chief Industries and Catahoula Resources   RESOURCES, June 11, 2021
       creation,” said Mr. Gould. “I am excited   have entered into an agreement to jointly

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