Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 24 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            the LNG Canada facility.             core operating areas: (1) Cold Lake thermal
                                             It is the first of two MCHE units built by   oil; (2) Montney condensate-rich gas; and
       Earthstone Energy                   Linde for the LNG Canada project; the second   (3) Saskatchewan enhanced oil recovery.
                                           MCHE is expected to arrive later this year,
                                                                                Strathcona has an industry-leading full-cycle
       announces Eagle Ford bolt-          along with two more precoolers.      WTI breakeven of ~US$35/bbl, a ~10% base
                                             Often described as the “heart” of an LNG
                                                                                oil decline rate, and a large infrastructure
       on acquisitions of 1,150            facility, MCHEs are made to liquefy natural   footprint that provides optionality to grow
                                           gas. Gas enters an MCHE near its base and
                                                                                production organically.
       boepd                               exits at its top in a sub-cooled, liquefied state,   on the health and safety of its employees and
                                                                                  WEF and Strathcona place a high priority
                                           at -160 Celsius. The liquefied gas is then piped
       Earthstone Energy today announced that it   to a storage tank, and from there, it is loaded   on the company’s environmental stewardship.
       has acquired working interests in assets it   onto specialised carriers for ocean transport.  Strathcona has an innovative executive
       operates located in southern Gonzales County,   Precoolers are also integral to the process,   compensation scheme that ties 25% of all
       Texas from four separate sellers. The aggregate   increasing efficiencies during different   incentive compensation to annual health,
       purchase price of the Eagle Ford Acquisitions   stages of gas liquification. All three pieces of   safety, and environmental goals, a level that
       was approximately $48mn in cash. Earthstone   infrastructure are precision engineered from   is approximately 10x higher than the average
       funded the Eagle Ford acquisitions with cash   aluminium and are pressure tested prior to   public exploration and production company.
       on hand and borrowings under its senior   delivery.                      The combined business’s greenhouse
       secured revolving credit facility. The effective   LNG CANADA, June 14, 2021  gas emission intensity per barrel of oil is
       date of the Eagle Ford Acquisitions was                                  significantly below the world average.
       April 1, 2021. The largest of the acquisition                            WATEROUS ENERGY FUND, June 11, 2021
       components, comprised of working    MOVES
       interests owned by two affiliates of Titanium
       Exploration Partners, constituted the majority   Waterous Energy         ENERGY TRANSITION
       of the total consideration.
       EARTHSTONE ENERGY, June 14, 2021    Fund announces the                   ARC Financial announces
                                           amalgamation of                      expanded investment
       Main cryogenic heat                 Strathcona Resources and  mandate for ARC Energy
                                                                                Fund 9
                                           Osum Oil Sands and the
       exchanger and precoolers            closing of a new CAD1.0bn            Canada’s largest energy-focused private equity
       arrive at the LNG Canada            covenant-based credit                manager, ARC Financial, announced today
                                                                                that it is expanding and diversifying the
       site in Kitimat                                                          investment mandate of its most recent fund,
                                                                                ARC Energy Fund 9, to include companies
       Three towering pieces of equipment critical to   facility                pursuing energy transition.
       the gas liquification process have arrived at the  Waterous Energy Fund (WEF) today   With over 30 years of experience investing
       LNG Canada site in Kitimat, as construction   announced the closing of the amalgamation   across the energy spectrum, ARC and its
       activities progress through the project’s “going   of its two portfolio companies, Strathcona   Research Institute have developed a unique
       vertical” stage, with other key milestones on   Resources and Osum Oil Sands. The   method for understanding the landscape for
       the horizon.                        amalgamated entity will continue in business   energy transitions and have a track record
         Crews spent the week of June 7 carefully   under the name Strathcona Resources and   of investing in renewables and clean energy
       offloading a 345-tonne main cryogenic heat   will remain 100% owned by WEF, WEF   technology companies dating back to 2000.
       exchanger (MCHE) and two precooler units,   co-investors and Strathcona employees.   ARC is currently engaged in evaluating
       which weigh 308 tonnes and 284 tonnes   Strathcona is the product of nine separate   a number of opportunities in biofuels,
       respectively, from a cargo ship docked at the   transactions completed by WEF since 2017,   renewables development, energy storage
       LNG Canada project’s new material offloading   including three take-private transactions and   and carbon capture, utilisation and storage
       facility (MOF) in Kitimat Harbour.  two bankruptcy situations.           (CCUS), and also anticipates raising capital
         The equipment was then placed on large,   Strathcona will have ~80,000 boepd (75%   for a dedicated energy transition-focused fund
       self-propelled modular transporters, which   oil and liquids) of production, 1.7bn boe of   in the future.
       will slowly move the pieces along the project   proved plus-probable (2P) reserves, and a   “In addition to our existing focus
       site’s new three-kilometre-long haul road to   ~60-year reserve life index. As measured by   on traditional oil and gas, our investing
       the main construction area in the coming   2P reserves, Strathcona is the largest private-  activities are broadening to again capture
       days, where they will soon be connected to   equity owned oil producer in North America   companies that emphasise decarbonisation
       other pieces of LNG infrastructure.  and the 6th largest oil-weighted company in   and environmental sustainability,” said Brian
         The largest of the three new pieces of   Canada. Strathcona is comprised of long-life,   Boulanger, CEO of ARC Financial Corp. “We
       equipment, the MCHE is approximately 50   low-decline, high free cash flow oil assets   view energy transition as an expansion of
       metres in length. Once installed vertically, it   that are naturally hedged with natural gas   the opportunity set we know well, with the
       will be among the most visible components at   and condensate production, across three   potential for strong returns across a more

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   17•June•2021
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