Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 24 2021
P. 7
NorthAmOil COMMENTARY NorthAmOil
“Collaboration with our natural gas suppli- building one LNG export terminal in Louisiana
ers is a key component of Cheniere’s focus on and has others in the pipeline, unveiled plans
quantifying and improving environmental to develop a carbon capture and storage (CCS)
performance,” stated Cheniere’s president and facility to capture emissions from its most
CEO, Jack Fusco. advanced two projects. Others, such as Nex-
The producers participating in the newly tDecade, are proposing the building of a CCS
announced collaboration are Aethon Energy, facility alongside a planned US Gulf Coast LNG
Ascent Resources – Utica, EQT, Indigo Natu- project, but Venture Global would be the first
ral Resources and Pioneer Natural Resources. US LNG producer to develop a CCS project for
The initiative is supported by researchers from an existing facility, if all goes as planned.
the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Col- Something similar is playing out in Canada,
orado School of Mines, Harrisburg University where Pieridae Energy unveiled its plans for the
of Science and Technology, SLR International Caroline Carbon Capture Power Complex in
and other emissions monitoring technology late May. The complex will consist of both CCS
providers, including Montrose Environmental, capacity and clean power production, and will
SeekOps, Bridger Photonics and GHGSat. be used to offset the emissions set to be gener-
The collaboration is aimed at improving ated from Pieridae’s proposed Goldboro LNG Cheniere’s
the overall understanding of upstream GHG facility in Nova Scotia.
emissions and furthering the deployment of Pieridae is now searching for partners for this announcement
advanced monitoring technologies and pro- project. comes amid a
tocols, Cheniere said. It will involve multiple These moves, and others elsewhere in the
ground-based, drone, aerial and satellite mon- world, illustrate the growing momentum broader push by
itoring technologies to establish baseline emis- behind the push to decarbonise LNG. But the
sions levels. players involved typically do not discuss the North American
The initial effort will cover gas production costs involved, though these costs are antic-
wells in the Haynesville, Marcellus, Permian ipated to be considerably higher than those LNG producers
and Utica shale regions that collectively produce involved in producing and trading LNG without to bolster their
around 360mn cubic feet (10.2mn cubic metres) a decarbonisation component.
per day of gas, as well as multiple tank batteries. A better understanding of the costs involved environmental
The partners will also aim to verify emissions will emerge over time, but this is one of the main
performance and identify opportunities to concerns about how effective decarbonisation credentials.
reduce emissions, Cheniere said. efforts in the LNG industry can be. Develop-
ing countries will struggle to pay more for the
What next? super-chilled fuel, and a clear split could ulti-
Cheniere’s announcement comes amid a broader mately emerge among LNG buyers – those that
push by North American LNG producers to bol- import decarbonised LNG and those that do
ster their environmental credentials. not. In the shorter term at least, those that opt
In late May, Venture Global LNG, which is for decarbonised LNG will be in the minority.
Week 24 17•June•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P7