Page 4 - DMEA Week 49 2022
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                                                                                                        (Image: EACOP)

       EACOP goes to court

       French civil court system begins hearing lawsuit filed by six environmental

       groups against TotalEnergies over alleged violation of “Duty of Vigilance” law

                         AT a time of considerable anxiety within the EU   delight of the environmental organisations.
                         over energy security and energy supplies, one   Friends of the Earth said in a statement that
       WHAT:             of the union’s member states has entered into   the case was “finally” moving forward now
       TotalEnergies is being   something of a public debate on the ethics and   that the Court of Cassation, France’s highest
       sued for a failure to plan   legality of a pipeline project slated for construc-  judicial authority, had ruled that the matter
       for and prevent human   tion on an entirely different continent.  should remain under the jurisdiction of the civil
       rights violations and   Specifically, a civil court in Paris has begun   court system rather than be transferred to the
       environmental harm in   hearings on a lawsuit filed by six environmental   commercial courts, as TotalEnergies had been
       Uganda and Tanzania.  groups – Survie (France), Friends of the Earth   arguing. (The French major had held fast to that
                         (US) and four Ugandan organisations – against   stance since October 2019, when the suit was
       WHY:              the French oil major TotalEnergies in relation to   first lodged, but that avenue was closed to it by
       The French major’s   the Lake Albert Development Project (LADP).   the Court of Cassation.)
       efforts to have the
       case transferred to the   This scheme has an upstream component, as
       commercial courts have   it calls for development of the Tilenga oilfields   At issue
       failed.           near Lake Albert in western Uganda. But it is   The point of contention is the “Duty of Vigi-
                         more widely referred to by the name of its mid-  lance” law adopted by the French government in
       WHAT NEXT:        stream component – the East Africa Crude Oil   2017. As Friends of the Earth explained in 2019,
       The lawsuit is sure to   Pipeline (EACOP), which will pump produc-  that law “makes parent companies of transna-
       spark debates over policy,   tion from Tilenga and the nearby Kingfisher   tional corporations legally accountable for the
       even as it proceeds under   fields, assigned to China National Offshore Oil   impacts of their operations all over the world.”
       conditions that do not   Corp. (CNOOC), through Uganda and Tanza-  Moreover, it stipulates that companies are not
       resemble those prevailing   nia to the Indian Ocean port of Tanga.  just legally responsible for their own actions but
       in 2019.            The hearings began on December 8, to the   for the actions of their contractors.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   08•December•2022
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