Page 9 - DMEA Week 49 2022
P. 9

DMEA                                           COMPANIES                                              DMEA

                                          The company’s Secunda CTL plant is the largest GHG emitter in the world (Image: Sasol)

       Sasol’s May-November results marred

       by flooding and poor-quality materials

            AFRICA       OPERATIONAL stoppages, poor coal quality,   logistics utility Transnet had ended their strike.
                         rain damage at a key processing facility and a   However, a shortage of rail cars resulted in the
                         strike at a state logistics utility are all expected to   declaration of yet another force majeure on
                         impact the South African chemicals giant Sasol’s   the local supply of ammonia again in the same
                         production and sales volumes over the past half   month.
                         year.                                  Due to the foregoing and other factors, Sasol
                           In projections for the six months ending   reduced its coal production guidance at Secunda
                         December 31 released on Thursday, Decem-  to 6.6-6.9mn tonnes, from 7.0-7.2mn.  Liquid
                         ber 1, Sasol said certain factors have not only   fuels sales volumes are likely to total 52-55mn
                         affected the second quarter of its 2023 financial   barrels, lower than previous guidance of 53-
                         year but will also continue to affect the outlook   56mn barrels, while Chemicals Africa sales vol-
                         for the remainder of the period.     umes of 0-4% higher than the prior year, will be
                           The company, which produces a wide range   lower than previous guidance of 6-12% higher
                         of chemicals through the processing of coal,   than prior year.
                         said flooding at its Secunda synthetic fuels plant   While its performance in its second quarter
                         north of Johannesburg had taken the factory out   was largely muted, Sasol expects earnings and
                         for several days.                    headline earnings per share for the six months
                           “In the restart of the plant, we also experi-  ending December 31 to increase by more than
                         enced unplanned outages on the reforming   20%.
                         units,” said Sasol. “We are faced with prolonged   The company plans to enhance coal blend-
                         downtime on two of 17 reformers, which are   ing through more focused purchases of high-
                         expected back online before the end of the 2023   er-quality coal from external suppliers to
                         financial year. The continued challenges with   supplement own production.
                         coal quality have impacted gasifier availability,   “Given the heightened risk associated with
                         and although we took decisive action to improve   the rainy season in South Africa, we have taken
                         equipment availability, a further deterioration   proactive measures at our Secunda site to reduce
                         of coal quality during October and November   the risk of flooding. Restoration of the reform-
                         2022 has impacted production.”       ing units will be prioritised to ensure that we can
                           Listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange   maximise use of any available natural gas in the
                         in South Africa and the New York Stock   remainder of financial year 2023 to maximise
                         Exchange, the firm has operations in 22 coun-  production,” it said.
                         tries and a head office in South Africa.
                           Sasol lifted its force majeure on the local sup-  CEO urges patience on decarbonisation
                         ply and export of certain chemicals products   In related news, Sasol has called for patience as it
                         at the beginning of November after workers at   works to decarbonise its business.

       Week 49   08•December•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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