Page 10 - DMEA Week 49 2022
P. 10

DMEA                                           COMPANIES                                               DMEA

                         Sasol produces petrol and diesel from coal using   2026, saying that failure to take timeous climate
                         its proprietary Fischer-Tropsch coal-to-liquid   action would result in a significant financial risk
                         (CTL) technology. The company’s Secunda   to the group.
                         plant in Mpumalanga province is the largest   In response to the criticism, Sasol’s chief
                         single source of greenhouse gas emissions in the   executive officer Fleetwood Grobler on Friday
                         world.                               asked shareholders to be patient. He said the
                           An overwhelming majority of Sasol’s share-  company had no doubt that it needed to decar-
                         holders at the group’s annual general meeting   bonise and transform its business model.
                         (AGM) on Friday, December 2, voted in support   “I recognise there is impatience that we are
                         of its climate action plan, despite criticism from   not moving faster. Critics go so far as to accuse
                         activists over the company’s vague decarbonisa-  us of greenwashing, as if we are not serious
                         tion targets, News24 reports.        about decarbonisation,” Grobler said as cited by
                           According to the media outlet, just over 94%   News24.
                         of shareholders voted for the resolution, while   According to the CEO, the board is aware of
                         almost 6% voted against it. At last year’s AGM,   its responsibilities and has taken important steps
                         96.63% of Sasol shareholders voted in favour of   authorising investments to achieve this. How-
                         the group’s climate action plans.    ever, he said, it also recognises that it must do so
                           Ahead of the meeting this year, activist   in a manner which allows Sasol to self-finance
                         organisations called on shareholders to down-  the transition.
                         vote the climate plan commitments, which, they   “So yes, we must build future profit pools, but
                         said, “remain too vague or too distant to allow   we need the current profits pools to finance this
                         meaningful assessment,” writes News24.  transition,” Grobler was quoted as saying. He
                           Sasol aims to reduce emissions by 30% by   also noted that there were other factors outside
                         2030 and reach net zero emissions by 2050.   of Sasol’s control preventing faster transition,
                         However, activist groups have criticised Sasol for   such as regulatory approvals and global geopo-
                         deferring its decarbonisation plans until at least   litical or macroeconomic impacts. ™

       NUIMS head says TNP, Forcados restarts

       bring Nigerian oil output up to 1.6mn bpd

            NIGERIA      NIGERIA has pushed crude oil production up
                         to 1.6mn barrels per day (bpd) thanks to the
                         re-opening of the Forcados terminal and the
                         partial resumption of shipments through the
                         Trans-Niger Pipeline (TNP), according to a
                         subsidiary of Nigerian National Petroleum Co.
                         Ltd (NNPCL).
                           Bala Wunti, the head of National Upstream
                         Investment Management Services (NUIMS),
                         told Arise TV in an interview on December 7
                         that output levels had risen by 350,000 bpd due
                         to these developments.
                           The country’s oil production and transport
                         infrastructure is becoming more functional as a
                         result of increased cooperation between regula-
                         tors, security agencies, oil-producing communi-
                         ties and other stakeholders, he said.
                           Private security contractors “anchored by   Theft had brought Nigerian oil output down by more than 700,000 bpd (Image: Shell)
                         the communities” have become an important
                         component of the government’s strategy, and all   on technology. It brings together the security
                         of the parties involved are working more closely   and intelligence agency at one angle, the regu-
                         together to reduce crude oil theft, he explained.   lators at another angle, the operators at another
                         Community participation has been particularly   angle, and then brings in what was almost zero
                         crucial, Wunti added.                – the community – into the other angle, and
                           “The new security architecture was anchored   without the community you can’t achieve that,”
                         on basically on rectangular architecture layered   he said.

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   08•December•2022
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