Page 15 - DMEA Week 49 2022
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

            business new europe       bne/IntelliNews

       Technical data cited by Wabote showed the  development was very much on course. While  Africa published on Thursday, December 8.
       capture of 12 new indigenous operators in the  emphasising Nigeria’s interest in gas as energy   The MoU will allow both groups to identify
       upstream sector of the oil and gas industry,  transition fuel, he stated that “Gas provides the  future opportunities for the deployment of Hon-
       bringing the total to 97. In the service subsector,  opportunity to power the global economy.”  eywell technologies and best practices across
       there were 1,303 new corporate entrants, raising   Among the projects embarked upon by Gov-  Sonatrach’s operations to improve overall effi-
       the total to 9,532, while 22,512 individual reg-  ernment, he cited the multi-billion-dollar Nige-  ciency of plant operations.
       istrations were recorded, bringing the total to  ria-Morocco Gas Pipeline (NMGP), which had   Honeywell will also supply further digital-
       more than 271,000.                  taken him to Morocco recently. Feedstock for the  isation initiatives for predictive maintenance,
         The Executive Secretary informed stakehold-  pipeline, he explained, would be from faraway  system lifecycle management and operational
       ers that the Board has commenced the process  Brass in Bayelsa State. He further assured, “We  and cybersecurity upgrades across Sonatrach’s
       of “allocation of serviced plots to manufacturers  will complete the OB-3 [East-West pipeline, with  different facilities, according to the report.
       [of equipment components, spares, and tools  a projected capacity of 2bn cubic feet] pipeline.”  The MoU will also enable the localisation of
       required in petroleum industry operations]   In a welcome address, the Governor of Akwa  technology and talent, opening the door for new
       to kick start operations within our NOGAPS  Ibom State, Udom Emmanuel, expressed the joy  training and skills development partnership
       [Nigerian Oil and Gas Parks] industrial parks at  of the people of the State for the opportunity to   Sonatrach announced last month it had
       Emeyal 1, Bayelsa State, and Odukpani in Cross  host the PNC for a second time. Represented by  started work in partnership with Italy’s energy
       River State,” assuring that “Construction work  the Deputy Governor, Moses Ekpo, he stated the  group Eni to construct a 10-MW solar project
       is also ongoing at the other NOGAPS parks in  desire of the State to be considered in plans for oil  and a solar efficiency testing lab in Algeria’s Bir
       Akwa Ibom, Imo, Delta and Ondo States, with  and gas producing states.   Rebaa Nord inside the oil production complex in
       Edo as the newest addition to the list.”  NCDMB, December 6 2022         the Berkine basin.
         Wabote expressed the Board’s displeasure at                              Earlier in March, Sonatrach’s CEO Tewfik
       the activities of indigenous oil and gas compa-                          Hakkar told state TV channel ALG24 the group
       nies, which seek to undermine its effectiveness  COMPANIES               will invest $39bn to boost Algeria’s hydrocarbon
       after they had benefitted from strategic inter-                          output between 2022 and 2026. Of the total sum,
       ventions in funding and capacity building pro-  Algeria’s state energy   nearly $9bn will be spent in 2022.
       grammes of the organisation. He advised them                             bna/IntelliNews, December 8 2022
       to turn a new leaf and ensure compliance with   group Sonatrach signs tech
       regulations or face the consequences.                                    Morocco in talks with
         He commended the Group Managing Direc-  agreement with Honeywell
       tor of the Nigerian National Petroleum Com-                              India’s Adani to set up
       pany (NNPC) Limited, Malam Mele Kyari, who  Algeria’s state oil group Sonatrach has signed a
       had to fly in from Rabat straight to the Confer-  memorandum of understand (MoU) with Hon-  hydrogen projects in 2023
       ence in Uyo, for his commitment to NCDMB’s  eywell to strengthen the sustainability and digi-
       local content drive.                talisation of Algeria’s energy sector through the  The Moroccan government is currently in talks
         In his own remarks the NNPC boss assured  exploration of carbon capture solutions and dig-  with Indian private group Adani to establish two
       the nation that the effort to deepen the utilisation  ital technologies designed to reduce its energy  hydrogen projects in 2023, Bloomberg reported
       of gas to drive industrialisation and economic  intensity, according to a report from Oil Review  on Tuesday, December 6.

       Week 49   08•December•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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