Page 16 - DMEA Week 49 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

             business new africa       bna/IntelliNews

                                                                                  The wind farm will power a 69-MW elec-
                                                                                trolysis production plant in Jeffreys Bay, Engi-
                                                                                neering News reports, with the plant having a
                                                                                green hydrogen production capacity of about
                                                                                9.8 tonnes per year (tpy).
                                                                                  SSC, through its SSC Energy division, has
                                                                                secured LNG Hub as an offtake and logistics
                                                                                partner. Established in 2021 in South Africa,
                                                                                LNG Hub is specialising in sourcing, distribut-
                                                                                ing and supplying small-scale LNG, according
                                                                                to the report.
                                                                                  The collaboration with SSC will make LNG
                                                                                Hub’s hydrogen arm, H2 Hub, the first hydrogen
                                                                                gas trading company in South Africa, particu-
                                                                                larly green hydrogen. SSC says its green hydro-
                                                                                gen pricing will be competitive with bulk LNG
                                                                                delivered prices.
                                                                                  SSC expects to start with more permitting
                                                                                processes early in 2023, the group chief finan-
                                                                                cial officer Martin Schermers told Engineering
                                                                                News. He envisions construction and commis-
                                                                                sioning to be completed within 12 months after
                                                                                all required permits are received, with hydrogen
                                                                                production starting by January 2025.
                                                                                  The project marks the first of several renew-
                                                                                able energy projects that SSC Energy intends to
                                                                                embark on, writes Engineering News. Although
                                                                                the overall project could be a first of its kind in
                                                                                South Africa, it joins 10 other projects across the
                                                                                world, including the Lüderitz project in Namibia.
                                                                                According to SSC Energy head Andries van der
                                                                                Linde, developments towards the production
                                                                                of green hydrogen are taking place all over the
                                                                                world, especially since it helps to meet energy
                                                                                demand and contribute to climate action goals.
                                                                                  Van der Linde warns that the process of split-
                                                                                ting molecules, as is the case with hydrogen pro-
                                                                                duction, can be extremely energy intensive and
                                                                                often inefficient, with the eventual energy output
       Moroccan Minister of Energy Transition and  aims to more than double its renewable energy  from a hydrogen-driven device being as low as
       Sustainable Development Leila Benali told  production to 12 GW – representing 52% of total  8% of the initial renewable energy source.
       Bloomberg that Adani is interested in Moroccan  power capacity – by 2030, from a current level of   The SSC Energy team, however, has been
       hydrogen projects which aim to produce cost-ef-  5 GW, or 40% of capacity. The country imports  developing innovative engineering solutions to
       ficient green energy for export to the EU, which  90% of its energy needs. Interested firms in the  achieve a better energy balance, while taking its
       is looking to diversify its energy supply chain  sector include Saudi Arabian group, ACWA  project’s coexistence with nature into considera-
       away from Russia.                   Power and India’s Adani Group.       tion, he explains.
         Morocco has focused on renewable energy   bna/IntelliNews, December 7 2022  SSC will establish an information centre on
       recently and has been attracting large projects                          the same property as its other project (Project
       for energy production using wind turbines and   SSC Group to build       Rhino) where visitors can learn about environ-
       solar photovoltaic (PV) panels.                                          mental issues and particularly the extinction of
         The government believes that green hydro-  wind farm for green         rhinos owing to poaching for the illegal horn
       gen could solve Morocco’s dependency on                                  trade, writes Engineering News.
       ammonia imports amid the ongoing supply cri-  hydrogen production          The group believes more attention can be
       sis. The north African country is a major ammo-                          brought to these important environmental issues
       nia importer. Hydrogen can be used to produce   plant in Eastern Cape    by combining a renewable energy project with
       ammonia.                                                                 the Kouga Rhino Sanctuary.
         Last week, Morocco’s fertiliser group OCP  South African diversified minerals and invest-  With this approach, the group aims to have a
       said that it will accelerate investment in green  ment group Siyakhula Sonke Empowerment  wider post-construction impact than is normally
       hydrogen as part of a $13bn plan to reduce the  Corporation (SSC Group) is conducting a  the case, which would also include additional
       dependency on ammonia imports.      pre-feasibility study and finalising an environ-  economic benefits of green hydrogen produc-
         Morocco has been working to encourage  mental risk assessment on a 117 MW wind farm  tion, according to the report.
       more clean energy production. The country  project in the Eastern Cape.  bna/IntelliNews, December 7 2022

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