Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 25 2022
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                           with Brazilian regulators will unlock significant  system and 13 wells, of which Petrobras will
       INVESTMENT                          synergies ahead of the Maromba development.  share the cost of four wells.
                                           The transaction will be financed through BW   About BW Energy: BW Energy is a growth
       Offer for Golfinho                  Energy’s cash flow and existing liquidity.  E&P company with a differentiated strategy
                                                                                targeting proven offshore oil and gas reser-
                                              “Golfinho offers material ongoing produc-
       and Camarupim clusters              tion and cashflow in Brazil at an attractive price  voirs through low risk phased developments.
                                           with significant upside potential in near-field  The Company has access to existing FPSOs to
       offshore Brazil approved            exploration and phased developments. It will  reduce time to first oil and cashflow with lower
                                           diversify our production base, accelerate the  investments than traditional offshore develop-
       by Petrobras                        build-up of the local operating organisation and  ments. The main assets are 73.5% of the produc-
                                           provide an established working relationship with  ing Dussafu Marine Permit offshore Gabon and
       BW Energy has been notified that the Company’s  Brazilian stakeholders ahead of the Maromba  a 95% interest in the Maromba field in Brazil,
       offer to acquire the Golfinho and Camarupim  development,” said Carl K. Arnet, the CEO of  both operated by the Company. Total net 2P+2C
       Clusters offshore Brazil has been approved by  BW Energy.                reserves were 240mn barrels at the start of 2022.
       the Petrobras Executive Board. The acquisition   The Golfinho Cluster is located at a water   BW Energy, June 23 2022
       is expected to add approximately 9,000 barrels  depth between 1,300 and 2,200 metres in the
       per day (bpd) of oil production from early 2023.  Espírito Santo Basin. Adjacent is the BM-ES-23   Petrobras on the sale
       The Golfinho Cluster has several proven low risk  exploration block which holds the Brigadeiro
       in-field development opportunities with short  gas and condensate discovery. The Camarupim   of E&P assets in the
       lead times and substantial potential long-term  Cluster is also adjacent and located in water
       upside from proven gas accumulations.  depths between 100 and 1,050 metres, compris-  Espírito Santo Basin
         The transaction is subject to fulfilment or  ing the non-producing gas fields of Camarupim
       waiver of conditions precedent with an expected  and Camarupim Norte.    Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
       closing and effective date in the first quarter of   Transaction details: BW Energy will acquire  on June 14, 2022, informs that its Executive
       2023.                               the 100% operated WI in the Golfinho and  Board, in a meeting held today, approved the
         Highlights: Acquisition of 100% operated  Camarupim clusters and the 65% WI in the  sale of its total stake in the maritime concessions
       working interest (WI) in the Golfinho and  BM-ES-23 block for an initial cash considera-  groups named Golfinho Cluster and Cama-
       Camarupim clusters and 65% WI in the BM-ES-  tion to Petrobras of $3mn at signing and $12mn  rupim Cluster, in the post-salt deep waters,
       23 block. $15mn in initial cash considerations  at closing.              located in the Espírito Santo Basin, to the com-
       and up to $60mn in contingent payments linked   Additionally, the Company has agreed  pany BW Energy Maromba do Brasil (BWE).
       to oil price, well operations and further success-  contingent payments after closing of up to  The signing of the sale and purchase agreement
       ful development of the acquired assets.  $60mn tied to oil price and production volume  and the subsequent steps will be disclosed to the
         The Company’s internal estimate is 38mn  (from current producing assets and develop-  market in due course.
       boe of proven recoverable resources, predom-  ment of proven undeveloped resources/gas   The total amount of the sale is up to $75mn,
       inantly oil, of which 19mn boe developed and  accumulations).            being (a) $3mn paid on the date of the signing
       producing and 19mn boe undeveloped, defined   BW Energy will be the operator in all the  the sale and purchase agreements, (b) $12mn to
       infill opportunities. The Company has identified  concessions, with PTTEP (20% WI) and Inpex  be paid at the closing of the transaction, and (c)
       a further 700 bcf (19.8 bcm) of recoverable gas  (15% WI) as partners in the BM-ES-23 block.  up to $60mn in contingent payments, depending
       accumulations for potential future development.  BW Energy will, upon closing, assume field  on future Brent prices and asset development.
         Establishing a solid working relationship  abandonment liability for the FPSO, the subsea   The amounts do not consider adjustments
                                                                                due until the closing of the transaction, which
                                                                                is subject to compliance with certain precedent
                                                                                conditions, such as the approval by the Admin-
                                                                                istrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE)
                                                                                and National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas
                                                                                and Biofuels (ANP).
                                                                                  This disclosure is in accordance with Petro-
                                                                                bras’ internal rules and the provisions of the
                                                                                special procedure for the assignment of rights of
                                                                                exploration, development and production of oil,
                                                                                natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons, pro-
                                                                                vided for in Decree 9,355/2018.
                                                                                  This operation is aligned with the portfolio
                                                                                management strategy and the improved alloca-
                                                                                tion of the company’s capital, aiming to maxim-
                                                                                ise value and a greater return to society.
                                                                                  About Golfinho and Camarupim Cluster:
                                                                                Golfinho Cluster is located in water depths
                                                                                between 1,300 metres and 2,200 metres, com-
                                                                                prising the Golfinho field, an oil producer, and
                                                                                the Canapu field, a non-associated gas producer,
                                                                                and the exploration block BM-ES-23.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   23•June•2022
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