Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 25 2022
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The Camarupim Cluster is located in water distributed – COP1,982,295,460,676.
depths between 100 metres and 1,050 metres, The payment of the dividend for minority
comprising the unitised Camarupim and Cama- shareholders will be made in a single install-
rupim Norte fields, both of non-associated gas. ment on June 30, 2022, and for the majority
Petrobras holds a 100% stake in the Golfinho shareholder, the total dividend payment will be
and Camarupim Clusters concession groups, offset with the receivable account within the Fuel
except for exploratory block BM-ES-23, in Price Stabilisation Fund (FEPC for its acronym
which it holds a 65% majority stake, in part- in Spanish) with Ecopetrol no later than June 30,
nership with PTTEP (20%) and INPEX (15%). 2022, in accordance with the provisions of Para-
Petrobras is the operator in all the concessions. jurisdictions for which the legislation establishes graph 2 of Article 90 of Law 2159 of 2021.
The average total production of the Golfinho different treatment. Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colombia
field from January to May 2022 was 8,600 bpd of Credit Instructions: The payment will be and one of the main integrated energy compa-
oil and 90,000 cubic metres per day of gas. The made by Banco Bradesco, the depositary insti- nies in the American continent, with more than
other areas are not in production. tution of the book- entry shares issued by Petro- 18,000 employees. In Colombia, it is responsible
About BWE: BWE is a wholly-owned subsid- bras. All shareholders whose registration is duly for more than 60% of the hydrocarbon produc-
iary of BW Energy, an E&P company focused on updated will have their rights automatically tion of most transportation, logistics, and hydro-
low-risk oil reservoirs for development in phases credited to their bank accounts on today’s date. carbon refining systems, and it holds leading
and with access to existing production facilities. For shareholders with shares under custody at positions in the petrochemicals and gas distribu-
Petrobras, June 23 2022 B3, the payment will be made through their tion segments. With the acquisition of 51.4% of
respective brokers. ISA’s shares, the company participates in energy
CADE approves Petrobras Bradesco branch or by phone. tems (XM), and the Barranquilla-Cartagena
Further information can be obtained at any transmission, the management of real-time sys-
plan for Gaspetro stake sale of June 27, 2022 through JP Morgan Chase Bank, level, Ecopetrol has a stake in strategic basins
For ADR holders, payment will take place as coastal highway concession. At the international
Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed Petrobras’ ADR depositary bank. in the American continent, with Drilling and
on July 28, 2021, informs that the Administra- Dividends and IOE not claimed within three Exploration operations in the United States (Per-
tive Council for Economic Defense (CADE), in years from the date of payment (June 20, 2022) mian basin and the Gulf of Mexico), Brazil, and
a court session held on this date, approved by will prescribe and revert in favor of the company Mexico, and, through ISA and its subsidiaries,
majority vote the transaction for the sale of 51% (Law 6404/76, art. 287, sub II, item a). Ecopetrol holds leading positions in the power
of Petrobras Gás (Gaspetro) to Compass Gás e Petrobras, June 20 2022 transmission business in Brazil, Chile, Peru, and
Energia (Compass) without restrictions. Bolivia, road concessions in Chile, and the tele-
The decision will be published in the Offi- Ecopetrol reports on partial communications sector.
cial Journal of The Union according to CADE’s Ecopetrol, June 21 2022
regimental deadline, and the conclusion of the distribution of occasional
transaction is still subject to the other conditions
precedent provided for in the share purchase and reserve, modification of PROJECTS & COMPANIES
sale agreement.
Petrobras, June 22 2022 dividend payment schedule DOF Subsea announces
Petrobras reports on for majority shareholder contract extension
payment of remuneration Ecopetrol announces that, at the Extraordinary with Petrobras
General Shareholders’ Meeting held on June 17,
to shareholders 2022, the Company’s Shareholders approved the DOF Subsea is proud to announce the extension
modification of the:
of the four PIDF Contracts with Petrobras.
Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed i) deadline for the payment of dividends to These extensions will demand a fleet of at
on May 5, 2022, informs that it is carrying out the Nation, approved in the ordinary session of least three vessels operating for 18 months, to
today the payment of the first installment of March 30, 2022, from September 30 to October the end of 2023 and in direct continuation to
the remuneration to shareholders approved by 31, 2022. the original schedule performing flexible pipe-
its Board of Directors in a meeting held on that ii) change in the destination of the Company’s lines, risers and subsea equipment inspection
date. occasional reserve that had been constituted in in Campos Basin, Santos Basin, Marlin Field
The gross amount distributed today corre- the General Shareholder’s Meeting held on past and Espírito Santos Basin. Inspections will be
sponds to dividends and interest on equity (IOE) March 30, in order to distribute it as an extraor- evaluated and processed by the DOF Subsea
of BRL1.857745 per outstanding common and dinary dividend of one hundred and sixty-eight Engineering team in Brazil that is responsible
preferred share, based on the shareholding posi- Colombian pesos per share (COP$168), as for delivering technical reports regarding the
tion as of May 23, 2022. follows: conditions of the subsea facilities in Brazil.
Income tax will be levied at source on the Occasional Reserve Distribution: Total occa- Adding more than $100mn in backlog, these
amount corresponding to IOE (BRL0.430177 sional reserve available – COP8,889,900,168,629; contract extensions are confirmation of DOF
gross per outstanding preferred and common Number of shares – 41,116,694,690.1959; Subsea’s safe and excellent delivery of the pro-
share), except for shareholders whose registra- Value for distribution per share—COP168; ject, reinforcing our relationship with Petrobras
tion data prove that they are immune, exempt, Amount of occasional reserve for distribution and our capacity to deliver on time and within
or shareholders domiciled in countries or – COP6,907,604,707,953; Value of reserve not budget.
Week 25 23•June•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P15