Page 15 - MEOG Week 48 2021
P. 15

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       other countries to release emergency crude   columns in the table are in millions of barrels   hub received a boost last week after the
       reserves to temper energy prices.   per day.                             Madbouly government signed agreements
         OPEC+ has been gradually winding   REUTERS                             with Greece and Israel that could help it
       down record supply cuts of 10 million bpd                                expand exports to Europe. A number of
       implemented last year and currently has some   Cash-strapped Iran        memoranda of understanding (MoUs) were
       3.8 million bpd of reductions still in place.                            inked during the East Mediterranean Gas
         The increase in OPEC’s oil output in   considering oil-for-buses       Forum in Cairo that could see Egypt import
       November has again undershot the rise                                    more natural gas from Israel to be used as
       planned under a deal with allies, a Reuters   swap                       feedstock for re-exporting liquefied natural
       survey found.                                                            gas (LNG) shipments to Greece from the Idku
       REUTERS                             The Iranian government is considering an   and Damietta LNG plants.
                                           oil-for-buses swap, Tehran’s Financial Tribune   The increased Israeli supplies could be
       OPEC oil output rises by            has reported.                        channelled through a new pipeline linking
                                                                                Egypt and Israel, the latter’s energy minister
                                              If the plan goes ahead, Iran would
       220,000 bpd in November             reportedly offer to barter oil for around 3,600   reportedly said.
                                                                                  Both countries are discussing the
                                           new buses with low emissions.
       The following table shows crude output by   Deputy interior minister Mehdi   construction of a new $200mn onshore
       the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting   Jamalinejad was reported as referring to rising   pipeline that would connect Israel and Egypt
       Countries (OPEC) in millions of barrels   air pollution in Tehran while suggesting that   via North Sinai. The pipeline could allow
       per day (bpd) in November and October,   Tehran, as a megacity struggling with a large   Egypt to import an additional 3-5bn cubic
       according to a Reuters survey published on   population (towards 9mn people in the city   metres of gas per year.
       Tuesday.                            proper, and 15mn across its metropolitan   The MoU signed between Greece and
         OPEC and allies, known as OPEC+, are   area), would receive most of the acquired   Egypt will see the two countries work more
       unwinding record output curbs made in 2020,   buses, namely around 1,200.   closely on LNG marketing and natural gas
       but are still withholding millions of barrels. In   Isfahan, Tabriz and Mashhad would also   exploration and production activities in the
       November, the cuts required of OPEC stood   be prioritised for bus fleet expansions, IRNA   EastMed as well as potentially set up a new
       at 2.636 million bpd, according to Reuters   reported Jamalinejad as adding.   subsea pipeline linking the two countries, the
       calculations and OPEC figures.         “The oil-for-buses swap plan is a solution   Greek energy ministry said in a press release.
         Compared with the levels from which   to the government’s lack of financial resources,  The agreement will also lay the foundation
       they agreed to cut, which in most cases was   which has been exacerbated by US sanctions,”   for Greek companies to sign agreements with
       their output in October 2018, the 10 OPEC   it also quoted the deputy minister as saying.  Egypt’s state gas company EGAS as well as
       members bound by the deal reduced output   BNE                           Greek importer DEPA.
       by 3.173 million bpd in November, the survey                               The Egypt-Greece pipeline would be in
       found.                                                                   addition to the planned link between Cyprus’
         Since the actual cut made is 3.173 million   GAS                       Aphrodite natural gas field and Egypt, which
       bpd rather than the 2.636 million bpd                                    would allow Cyprus to export its gas to
       pledged, OPEC’s compliance stands at 120%   Egypt partners with Greece,   Europe via Egypt’s liquefaction facilities. The
       versus 118% in October.                                                  pipeline is currently expected to come on
         October’s output was revised up by 20,000   Israel to boost gas exports  stream in 2024/2025.
       bpd after a change to the Libyan estimate.                               BNE
         The figures in the first, second and fourth   Egypt’s ambitions to become a regional gas

       Week 48   01•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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