Page 11 - MEOG Week 48 2021
P. 11

MEOG                                  PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       nogaholding expects KAB

       development to take time

        BAHRAIN          THE head of Bahrain’s state-owned energy  National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA) that
                         investment firm anticipates that development of  was abolished by King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa,
                         the Kingdom’s Khalij Al Bahrain (KAB) reser-  has previously said it expects to achieve 200,000
                         voir will not begin until the late 2020s owing to  barrels per day (bpd).
                         market and structural complexities.    Following KAB’s discovery in April 2018,
                           Mark Thomas, CEO of nogaholding, this  the government’s National Oil & Gas Authority
                         week told S&P Global Platts that the company  (NOGA) initiated talks with IOCs, primarily
                         has so far drilled two wells to appraise the 80bn  those engaged in the US shale industry, about
                         barrel offshore tight oil deposit that was discov-  developing the asset. KAB is estimated to hold
                         ered in 2018, and is currently evaluating the  80bn barrels of tight oil.
                         recovered data.                        Halliburton was contracted to carry out ini-
                           “We brought in a couple of IOCs to give us  tial drilling and well tests in the 2,000-square km
                         their evaluation. The size of investment we  area to the south-west of Bahrain. In February
                         require to develop an unconventional field off-  2020, Italy’s Eni signed an MoU with NOGA
                         shore will be tremendous: you basically take the  subsidiary Tatweer Petroleum Co. to explore
                         Permian and put it in water,” he said.  collaboration in various domains, including gas.
                           With this in mind, nogaholding is taking  This followed the signing of an exploration and
                         a pragmatic approach and will consider any  production-sharing agreement (EPSA) in Jan-
                         type of contract model for KAB’s development,  uary 2019 to explore the 2,800-square km off-
                         including sharing profits and oil production.  shore Block 1 area to the north of the main island
                           “We are flexible on terms and we are flexible  under which the Italian firm drilled its first well
                         on structure, and all we know, it’s a tremendous  earlier this year following pandemic-related
                         amount of capital to come and develop this. It  delays.
                         will have to be a long-term partnership,” Thomas   Also in 2020, a letter of intent (LoI) was
                         said, noting that Bahrain is also open to direct  signed between nogaholding and shale-special-
                         negotiations with investors for three other off-  ist Chevron calling for the US major to assist Tat-
                         shore blocks.                        weer in evaluating the basin. No further details
                           Meanwhile, he alluded to the difficulties of  on the terms of the accord were disclosed.
                         attracting investment from IOCs as firms around   In November 2020, Tatweer’s director-gen-
                         the world embrace the energy transition. “With  eral of petroleum exploration and development,
                         the energy transition that is going on today, we  Yahya Al Ansari, unveiled plans to drill eight
                         recognise that to attract IOCs to come in we have  new offshore wells to a depth of 8,000-13,000 feet
                         to have a very attractive offer. That’s part of our  (2,438-3,962 metres) and a horizontal extension
                         discussions right now with IOCs,” he said. Talks  of 914-3,000-plus metres.
                         are ongoing with various IOCs, but American   Tatweer currently produces around 40,000
                         firms with experience in the Permian are being  bpd from the onshore Awali (Bahrain) field, the
                         given priority.                      site of the Gulf Co-operation Council’s (GCC)
                           Thomas added that it anticipates having  first oil find in 1932, which remains the king-
                         an IOC partner in place next year, with efforts  dom’s sole source of domestic production and
                         then focusing on a development plan for KAB,  has a capacity of around 46,000 bpd.
                         including carrying out more seismic and drilling   Manama also receives a 50% share of the
                         work. He said that it would probably “be in the  150,000 bpd produced by Saudi Aramco at the
                         second half of this decade before any material  offshore Abu Sa’fah oilfield, which is pumped
                         development starts to happen offshore”.  alongside a further 75,000 bpd of Arabian Light
                           The comments come in sharp contrast to  crude from the Abqaiq processing facilities in
                         those given in October by Oil Minister Sheikh  Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province via the 350,000
                         Mohammed bin Khalifa al-Khalifa, who said he  bpd Saudi-Bahrain A-B oil pipeline.™
                         anticipated that the field’s development should
                         begin by 2023. “Initially when we started in 2018,
                         we said five years, so we should be ready by then.
                         What we need to prove first is the geological and
                         technical viability. Once we get there, hopefully
                         we will have investors,” the minister said.
                           Khalifa said that with testing remaining in a
                         preliminary stage, adding that it is still too early
                         to provide an estimated production rate from
                         the asset. However, the Ministry of Oil (MoO),
                         which recently assumed the functions of the

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