Page 8 - MEOG Week 48 2021
P. 8

MEOG                                     POLITICS & SECURITY                                           MEOG

                           Such demands amount to a dilemma as US  programme is entirely peaceful. The JCPOA is
                         President Joe Biden cannot bind his successors  meant to tie Iran to compliance measures to
                         to any present-day nuclear deal promises he  guarantee that that is the case. In return, Tehran
                         makes.                               is supposed to be shielded from sanctions.
                           On November 30, the talks will turn to iden-  Earlier on November 30, Iran hit out at the
                         tifying and agreeing the sanctions that would be  UK for hosting in London Israel’s foreign min-
                         lifted with the revival of the JCPOA on the basis  ister Yair Lapid on the very day that the nuclear
                         that they are linked to the nuclear agreement –  deal talks were resuming.
                         rather than imposed, for instance, in relation   Standing alongside the British foreign secre-
                         to human rights or terrorist activity issues. On  tary, Liz Truss, Lapid said that Iran was “at the
                         December 1,                          talks for only one reason – to get sanctions lifted
                           The steps Iran would need to take to come  because it needs money for its global terrorist
                         back into compliance with the JCPOA will be  network and for its continued race towards a
                         discussed.                           nuclear weapon”.
                           The talks involve Iran, Russia, China, Ger-  He painted a picture in which Tehran would
                         many, France and the UK. Iran has refused to  “play for time, earn billions from lifting sanc-
                         include the US in face to face, but its delegation  tions, deceive the world and covertly advance
                         in Vienna is b being provided with indirect  their nuclear programme”.
                         access to the content of the negotiations, such   Iran’s foreign ministry said: “The UK issues
                         as Iran’s standpoints, by nuclear deal signatories.  anti-Iran statements with the Israeli regime – a
                           Israel, meanwhile, has warned that Iran  nuclear-holder and enemy of the 2015 nuclear
                         would try to use the talks to gain time to further  agreement. Utter lack of goodwill and an evident
                         advance its nuclear development programme.  sign that London doesn’t seek to preserve the
                         The Israelis insist Iran is trying to covertly  deal. You can’t have lunch with the foe of a deal
                         develop a nuclear weapon. They have said that  and for dinner sit at another table to claim sup-
                         Iran is around five years from reaching the mile-  port for the same deal.” Lapid is due to present
                         stone. Tehran denies it has any ambition to build  his concerns to France’s president, Emmanuel
                         a nuclear bomb capability. They say their nuclear  Macron, on November 30.™

       Iraq to repay Iran billions of dollars

       in gas debts due to sanctions

        IRAQ/IRAN        IRAQ stands ready to pay gas and electricity  periods in unbearable heat with no electricity for
                         debts owed to Iran, the Iraqi electricity minis-  air conditioning or fans.
                         try said on November 29, according to Baghdad   “The ministry of electricity is ready to pay
                         al-Yawm news agency.                 back its debts to Iran based on the agreement of
                           Tensions have risen over the debts, which  delegations that previously visited Tehran. The
                         some Iranian officials have described as  money is a weight on our shoulders that we have
                         between $6bn and $7bn, with Iraq pointing to  to pay to Iran,” Ahmed Musa, a spokesman for
                         the US freezing Iran out of the international  the ministry was quoted by the news agency as
                         financial system as the obstacle to transferring  saying by the ministry.
                         the required sums. There have also been local   Gas imports from Iran typically generate
                         reports of Baghdad offering to pay Tehran in  as much as 45% of Iraq’s daily consumption of
                         Iraqi dinar, a proposal said to have been rejected  14,000 megawatts of electricity. Iran transmits
                         outright by the Iranians, who stuck to their  another 1,000 MW of electricity directly.
                         demand for remuneration in dollars. Some mon-  Iran’s frustration at not being paid by Iraq for
                         ies that become owed for imports of Iranian gas  its gas and electricity supplies is partly caused by
                         and electricity are paid off with bartered goods.  its inability to access tens of billions of dollars of
                           Musa was further reported as saying that  assets held in bank accounts around the world
                         Iran’s gas exports to Iraq were running at less  because of the US sanctions lock. The sums,
                         than a fifth of what they should be, while elec-  mainly raised from exports of oil and gas, are
                         tricity exports from Iran were presently com-  thought to include around $7bn in South Korea
                         pletely cut off. During the summer, when Iran  and around $1.5bn in Japan.
                         faced severe power shortages, there was a feeling   More than $1.6bn in Iranian funds are, mean-
                         in Iraq that when faced by an electricity deficit,  while, held by the Luxembourg-based Clear-
                         the Iranians were quick to stop power exports to  stream clearing house, a financial company
                         their neighbour. Many Iraqis suffered prolonged  owned by Deutsche Boerse.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   01•December•2021
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