Page 16 - DMEA Week 15 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       COMPANIES                             Unemployment and other economic woes   availability in the east, said traders, although
                                           contributed to the outbreak of the October   this could not be confirmed with the
       Maysan Oil Co. kept shut            2019 protest movement, in which hundreds   company.
                                           of protesters have been killed at the hands of
                                                                                  European fuel oil stocks held
       for third day by graduate           security forces and Iran-backed militias.  independently in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-
                                                                                Antwerp (ARA) trading and storage hub fell
       protesters                                                               to around a two-month low of 1.517mn t
                                                                                (9.78mn bl) in the week to 7 April. Singapore’s
       The Maysan Oil Company in southern Iraq   REFINING                       onshore residual fuel oil stocks rose to a more
       was kept shut for a third day by dozens                                  than four- month high of 23.62mn bl in the
       of unemployed petroleum engineering   Israel’s Oil Refineries            same period.
       graduates, a local activist confirmed to Rudaw                             Engen does not produce 0.5pc sulphur
       English on Tuesday.                 chairman to step down, CEO           LSFO and typically seeks supplies from the
         The graduates have been holding a sit                                  import market. But its latest tender comes as
       down protest outside the oil company’s office   to succeed               South African demand is rising because of
       since Sunday prevented employees from                                    prolonged shutdowns at Engen’s 105,000 b/d
       entering the site in order to demand jobs. The   Israel’s Oil Refineries (ORL), Israel’s largest   Durban refinery and other domestic plants,
       protesters were surrounded by riot police on   refining and petrochemicals group, said on   market participants said.
       Tuesday night, photos taken by activist Ali   Tuesday its chairman, Ovadia Eli, plans to step   About 123,000t (26,000 b/d) of fuel oil
       al-Saadi appear to show.            down in the second quarter after more than   is on course to arrive in South Africa next
         Saadi told Rudaw English that the 260   six years on the job. No reason was given for   month, the most since April 2018, according
       engineers at the protest, some recent graduates  his resignation.        to data from oil analytics firm Vortexa.
       and others who had lost their jobs, had been   ORL’s board appointed chief executive   Engen’s Durban refinery has been shut
       demanding jobs for a year and eight months,   officer Moshe Kaplinsky as chairman once Eli   since December because of a fire, with its
       with no response from the government to   leaves. Eli will also head a committee to search   operating permit revoked until it submits
       their demands.                      for a new CEO, ORL said.             a comprehensive report on the cause of the
         “Our sit-down continues until we get   REUTERS                         incident and a set of preventative measures.
       employed,” he said.                                                      Astron Energy’s 110,000 b/d Cape Town
         Earlier in April, a fuel crisis struck the   SA refinery shutdowns     refinery is expected to remain shut until some
       southern city of Nasiriyah when protesters                               time next year after a fire in July 2020. And
       kept an oil refinery and Dhi Qar province’s oil   boost fuel oil demand  the BP-Shell Sapref joint venture has extended
       distribution department shut for over a week.                            a full shutdown at its 180,000 b/d Durban
         Hundreds of unemployed graduates of   South Africa’s Engen is looking as far afield as   refinery to mid-June. The Engen and Sapref
       petroleum engineering, geology, management,  Singapore and Malaysia for fuel oil as refinery   refineries supply all the local bunker fuel
       and economics staged a sit-down outside   shutdowns curb domestic availability and   needs at the port of Durban.
       the refinery to demand jobs and prevent   raise import demand.             Engen’s VLSFO tender closes tomorrow
       employees from entering the site.     Engen has issued a tender seeking to buy   and the winner will be notified on 16
         The unemployment crisis in Iraq has   35,000t (226,000 bl) of very low-sulphur fuel   April. The company is seeking a cargo with
       worsened in Iraq with the increase in   oil (VLSFO) for loading from Singapore,   maximum viscosity of 180cst at 50°C,
       population, the large number of graduates,   Malaysia or the Mideast Gulf over 17-29 May.  maximum sulphur content of 0.5pc and
       and the neglect of the private sector   Engen typically seeks fuel oil from Europe   minimum flash point of 60°C, priced against
       in the country, in addition to rampant   and the Mideast Gulf but rarely buys from   either Singapore spot 10ppm gasoil or 180cst
       corruption and an ongoing economic crisis.   Malaysia and Singapore. It may have been   LSFO assessments.
       Unemployment in Iraq stood at 13.74% in   prompted to look to Asia-Pacific because   ARGUS
       2020, according to data from the World Bank.  of tight supplies in Europe and more ample

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 15   15•April•2021
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