Page 17 - DMEA Week 15 2021
P. 17
Macron lauds Abdul Samad thanked the minister and Macron for their generation engineering project for the Feruka-
In his remarks, the BUA group chairman
Harare pipeline in Zimbabwe.
Rabiu over BUA refinery unwavering support in bringing BUA and the contract will see Penspen support
Designed to enhance operational efficiency,
French businesses together.
President Emmanuel Macron of France has He said BUA had initiated partnerships Petrozim on their mission to achieve maximal
commended Abdul Samad Rabiu, chairman and have developed personal relationships capacity to meet increasing petroleum
of BUA group, over the progress of the group’s with a few French businesses, including products demand.
refinery in Akwa Ibom. Axens. “This contract award is a testament to
Last year, BUA signed a deal with Axens, He expressed confidence in the quality Penspen’s strong reputation and experience in
a French energy company, as the technology of expertise and technical know-how of the Africa and we look forward to working with
provider for its greenfield 200,000 bpd French companies BUA has partnered with. Petrozim on this exciting project”, said Neale
refinery and petrochemical plant. Rabiu said the BUA refinery, when Carter, Penspen Executive Vice President
Franck Riester, French minister for foreign fully operational, will reduce the huge cost for the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific
trade and economic attractiveness, expressed transporting crude oil offshore, refining it, and Regions. “Penspen’s scope of work included
Macron’s commendation during his visit to bringing it back into the country. in the project award demonstrates our range
the BUA group headquarters in Lagos. He added that the decision to site the of capabilities in the region and beyond, as a
The minister handed over a personal refinery in Akwa Ibom was strategic due leading provider of engineering services to the
invitation from Macron to Rabiu seeking to huge availability of raw materials and its energy industry.”
his presence at the Choose France Summit proximity to export petroleum products to Originally designed by Penspen and
representing business leaders from Nigeria regional countries. constructed under its supervision, the 208km
and Africa. On his part, Jean Sentenac, president of long Feruka-Harare pipeline network will
The summit scheduled for the month of Axens, said he is pleased that the refinery undergo operational modifications to ensure
June will be held in Paris. project is advancing on schedule. its transfer ability to meet the increased
He also announced Rabiu as the chairman He commended the cooperation among demand of petroleum products such as diesel
of the France Nigeria Investment Club. parties and reiterated the commitment of and gasoline. Penspen will deliver detailed
Represented by Riester, Macron said the Axens to delivering the BUA refinery project engineering and procurement support
government of France is ready to support on time and with the highest standards. services for the multi-product pipeline
people-oriented and developmental projects The French minister was accompanied project, including the establishment of a
in Nigeria. by Jerome Pasquier, ambassador of France ‘series pumping’ operation, as well as a
The French minister also witnessed the in Nigeria; Laurence Monmayrant, consul range of key project components at different
signing of a progress acknowledgement general of France in Lagos; Quentin Teisseire, sites across the region.
statement between BUA group and Axens. France chief of staff; Alexis du Boisberranger, The exercise includes two new mainline
He commended Rabiu for his commitment technical advisor for export and strategic pump-sets (pump, motor and variable speed
to developing lasting relationships between partnership; Benedicte Constans, advisor to drive packages), piping modifications for
French and Nigerian businesses. the minister, in charge of communication; the connection of new mainline pump-sets
“I am very pleased to see how committed Pascal Furth, regional economic counsellor, and two new power transformers to supply
Abdul Samad Rabiu is for the refinery and in French embassy amongst others. the new mainline pump-sets. Additionally,
the space of philanthropy,” Macron said. THE CABLE Penspen will oversee piping, instrumentation
“I want to stress how keen you were in and metering skid modifications as part of the
promoting the interest of Nigeria and its project. Electrical switchgear, transformers,
people during our meeting in Paris and how PIPELINES switchboard, distribution board and a
committed you were to make the economy stand-by diesel generator with weatherproof
stronger and more resilient. Penspen to deliver enclosure and diesel tank will also be supplied
“I want to congratulate you for the vision as part of the contract award.
and ambition you demonstrate in many engineering project for Penspen has been providing engineering
sectors in your will to build projects shaping service support to Petrozim for over 20 years
the future of Nigeria. We think that we have Petrozim and in 2012 completed the FEED, which
to support long term investment of French increased the capacity of the pipeline and the
companies in Nigeria and Nigeria companies Penspen has been awarded a 10 month Harare storage facility.
in France and this project of refinery is a engineering contract from national oil PENSPEN
wonderful project for Nigeria.” company Petrozim Line Ltd to deliver a next-
Week 15 15•April•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P17