Page 12 - DMEA Week 22
P. 12

DMEA                                           TRANSPORT                                               DMEA

       South Korean broker joins bid for

       ADNOC’s gas pipelines

        UAE              NH Investment & Securities, the brokerage arm  place yet, and terms are still subject to change.
                         of South Korea’s NongHyup Financial Group,   ADNOC has started in recent years to expand
      In the short term, the   has joined a consortium that aims to take a $8bn  its midstream and downstream businesses by
      UAE wants to raise   stake in the gas pipelines of the UAE’s ADNOC,  forging partnerships with foreign firms to attract
      cash to shore up its   South Korean media has reported.  the necessary investment. In the short term it
      position following the   While details are tentative, the acquisition is  also wants to raise cash to shore up its position
      collapse in oil prices.  expected to involve ADNOC setting up a new  following the collapse in oil prices.
                         entity to receive tariff payments for pipeline   Progress on the partial sale of ADNOC’s gas
                         flows. This was the model used last year when  pipeline network has been slow, as the coronavi-
                         ADNOC spun off its oil pipeline system. A 40%  rus (COVID-19) pandemic and its broader eco-
                         stake in the newly formed ADNOC Oil Pipe-  nomic impact have sapped investor enthusiasm.
                         lines was sold to US investors Blackrock and   ADNOC hired Bank of America Merrill
                         KKR for $4bn. Singapore’s GIC and the Abu  Lynch and Japan’s Mizuho to arrange a sale. In
                         Dhabi Retirement Pensions and Benefits Fund  March, several investors including Australian
                         (ADRPBF) subsequently took shares of 6% and  fund manager IFM dropped out of a potential
                         3% respectively.                     deal. NH Investment’s group is in talks with up
                           The consortium NH Investment is reportedly  to 20 banks for a $8bn loan to fund the purchase,
                         joining includes the US’ Brookfield Asset Man-  sources told Reuters in April.
                         agement, Italian infrastructure operator Snam,   As part of the stake sale of its oil pipelines,
                         Canada’s Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan and  ADNOC provided KKR and Blackrock two
                         GIC, the Korea Herald and others reported in  decades of guaranteed returns. The national oil
                         late May.                            company (NOC) will likely offer similar terms
                           A final agreement on the purchase is not in  in the gas system sale. ™

       NNPC seeks to cut production costs

        NIGERIA          MELE Kyari, the group managing director of   Even so, he said, NNPC is taking steps to
                         Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC),  bring production costs down. The company has
       Mele Kyari, the group   has identified reduced production costs as one  already racked up some successes by working to
       managing director   of his company’s priorities.       “negotiate with its partners to cut down on con-
       of Nigerian National   Kyari told journalists during an online con-  tracts’ life cycle, selecting the right projects [and]
       Petroleum Corp.   ference last week that high production costs were  engaging the right institutions to bring down the
       (NNPC), has identified   a handicap for state-owned NNPC. They have  cost,” he stated.
       reduced production   become an even bigger source of concern now   Kyari continued: “Our ultimate target we
       costs as one of his   that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has  have set for ourselves is to bring the cost down
       company’s priorities.  caused world oil prices to fall sharply, he said.  to at most $10 per barrel. This will come at a cost
                           The company cannot sustain a situation in  and huge challenges ... But I can assure you [that]
                         which the cost of production can go as high as  at any cost, we will take steps to bring this cost
                         $35.97 per barrel while crude commands a price  down so that our country will benefit and the oil
                         of $13 per barrel, as it did recently, he added. As  industry will become a profitable business for the
                         such, it hopes to bring the figure down to $10 per  200mn Nigerians.”
                         barrel on average by 2021, he said.
                           “Oil prices have gone down to [less than]   NNPC expects to run into some obstacles,
                         $10 per barrel, due to the economic impacts of  he said, because there are certain businesses and
                         COVID-19, resulting in crude oil supply and  institutions in the country that benefit directly
                         demand imbalances,” he commented. “[The]  from high production costs. He did not name
                         cost of production has always been a major issue  any culprits but said that his company was
                         for NNPC. Without cost reduction, there will be  determined to make sure that expenses were not
                         no tax revenues, and therefore the investments  inflated. “With such people, the meaning is that
                         would not be worth the while, with unmet  we are paying about three times more than what
                         expectations.”                       we should,” he remarked. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   04•June•2020
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