Page 7 - DMEA Week 22
P. 7

DMEA                         NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                          DMEA

       NRG: Some forward momentum,

       but overall restraint

       Despite the relative stability of crude prices in recent days, more news of activity
       cutbacks, earnings losses and demand weakness continues to come in, and all eyes

       turn to the forthcoming OPEC+ meeting

        NRG              WELCOME to the fourth edition of NewsBase’s  round for marginal fields after a delay of more than
                         Roundup Global (NRG), in which our team of  10 years. The auctions will cover 57 fields in the
                         international editors provide you with a snap-  onshore, swamp and shallow-water offshore zones,
                         shot of some of the key issues affecting their  and they will be open to both domestic and foreign
                         regional beats. Get the NRG Oil & Gas Editor’s  investors. The DPR hopes to wrap up the bidding
                         Picks to your inbox every week for free. Just sign  process before the end of the year.
                         up here.                             In Uganda, Tullow Oil (UK/Ireland) has taken
                           Crude prices have remained relatively stable  another step towards finalising the sale of its stakes
                         over the past week, with both Brent and West Texas  in several blocks near Lake Albert to Total (France).
                         Intermediate (WTI) staying above $30 per barrel,  The company reported last week that China
                         and Brent even edging closer to $40 per barrel.  National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), the other
                         However, this relative stability comes as a result of  shareholder in the blocks, has decided against exer-
                         extensive cuts to supply, and all eyes will be on this  cising its right to buy half of the stakes in question
                         week’s OPEC+ meeting, where the group will con-  on the same terms as Total. This decision clears the
                         sider extending its cuts into July or August.  way for Tullow to concentrate on finalising a bind-
                           In the meantime, there is still plenty of news of  ing tax agreement with Ugandan authorities.
                         weak demand, earnings losses and various play-  In other news, Algeria’s national oil company
                         ers scaling back activity in response to market  (NOC) Sonatrach has become the majority share-
                         conditions. Some signs of forward momentum  holder in the Medgaz pipeline via a transaction that
                         are emerging, but such steps are being taken with  allowed it to acquire 8.0% of equity from Spain’s
                         caution.                             CEPSA. Ownership of the pipeline is now divided
                                                              between Sonatrach, with 51%, and Naturgy
                         African countries moving ahead       (Spain), with 49%. The parties hope to expand the
                         Two African countries have taken a step this week  system’s capacity by nearly a quarter to 10.2 bcm per
                         towards launching long-delayed investment  year in 2021.
                         initiatives.                           Meanwhile, Nigerian National Petroleum
                         In Nigeria, the Department of Petroleum  Corp. (NNPC) is talking about bringing its pro-
                         Resources (DPR) has launched a new licensing  duction costs down to $10 per barrel on average

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