Page 17 - DMEA Week 38 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

         “Since the establishment of the state, Israel   groups and Israel’s Ministry of Environmental   Bolstering their campaign in January was a
       has been dealing with the Arab boycott and   Protection. The Eilat oil terminal is roughly   letter signed by 231 scientists from Israel and
       its consequences,” EAPC said in a statement.   200 yards from coral beaches. While those   abroad warning of the risks to Eilat’s coral and
       “These agreements are, in fact, the practical   favouring the deal focus on its geo-strategic   urging the Israeli government to prevent the
       expression of improving relations between the   importance, opponents say it poses an   agreement from going through.
       State of Israel and the Gulf states.”  unacceptable risk to the coral reefs.  On May 4, three Israeli environmental
         Then-US Treasury Secretary Steven    One of the earliest critics was   groups petitioned the Supreme Court for a
       Mnuchin, who was present at the signing,   environmentalist group Zalul, which issued a   temporary injunction to freeze the agreement,
       called it a “significant breakthrough that   statement immediately after the October 2020   arguing that the deal was conducted in secret
       was made possible thanks to the Abraham   signing, calling the intention to bring more oil   and that the EAPC, “which presumably
       Accords,” the normalisation treaty signed   tankers to Eilat “a mortal danger.”  anticipated opposition to the agreement,
       between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and   Zalul then organised a coalition of 20   chose to hide it, both from the public and
       Bahrain a month earlier.            green groups to fight what they termed “the   from the government itself.”
         But the agreement has encountered   transformation of Eilat and Ashkelon into oil   JNS
       growing opposition from environmentalist   cities.”

       Week 38   23•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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