Page 13 - DMEA Week 38 2021
P. 13

DMEA                                      PETROCHEMICALS                                              DMEA

       Tanzania discussing fertiliser

       project with potential partners

        AFRICA           TANZANIA’S government says it is in talks with  Ministry, is working to speed up and conclude
                         several potential investors on a fertiliser project  the negotiations and eventually find potential
                         that would make use of locally produced natural  investors to build fertiliser factories with the aim
                         gas.                                 of ending the serious problem of importing fer-
                           Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade  tilisers from abroad,” he stated.
                         Exaud Kigahe told legislators recently that Tan-  The deputy minister did not name any of the
                         zanian officials had previously held discussions  companies currently involved in the talks. But he
                         with two German companies – Ferrostaal, a steel  did emphasise that the Tanzanian government
                         manufacturer, and Helm, a diversified industrial  saw the construction of a domestic fertiliser
                         group involved in fertiliser production, several  plant as a high priority.
                         years ago.                             Once the state signs an agreement with a for-
                           Since then, he said, they have met with repre-  eign partner, it will work to ensure that construc-
                         sentatives of several other companies – includ-  tion begins as quickly as possible, he was quoted
                         ing the Dangote group (Nigeria) and Elsewedy  as saying by Tanzania Daily News.
                         (Egypt), as well as Minjingu Mines and Fertiliser,   He also noted that the government’s master
                         a domestic operator – to discuss the matter.  plan for gas utilisation called for allocating a
                           Kigahe said that the Ministry of Industry  certain portion of the country’s gas reserves for
                         and Trade had been working with several gov-  fertiliser production.
                         ernment agencies on the project, including the   Tanzania is believed to possess around 57 tril-
                         Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority  lion cubic feet (1.614 trillion cubic metres) of gas,
                         (EWURA), the Petroleum Upstream Regulatory  and the master plan states that 700bn cubic feet
                         Authority (PURA), the Tanzania Investment  (19.822bn cubic metres) of gas from the offshore
                         Centre (TIC) and Tanzania Petroleum Develop-  Songo Songo will be set aside for delivery to a
                         ment Corp. (TPDC).                   future fertiliser plant.
                           “The government, through the Invest-  This is equivalent to about 1.23% of the coun-
                         ment Centre, TPDC, PURA, EWURA and the  try’s estimated total reserves.™

       Week 38   23•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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