Page 17 - DMEA Week 19 2022
P. 17

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       where it  has been active since 1927. Today it   Private Partnership (PPP) in Abu Dhabi’s   consumer products including pipes, windows,
       has operations in 47 African countries. It has   downstream and petrochemicals sector.  cables, films and flooring.
       21,000 employees.                      Khaleefa Yousef Al Mheiri, TA’ZIZ   TA’ZIZ comprises three zones, the
         In a statement last month, the company   Acting Chief Executive Officer, said: “We   first of which is an Industrial Chemicals
       said it was awaiting regulatory approval to   are delighted to welcome Shaheen as a   Zone that will host chemicals production,
       sell its African operations to MSC Group   strategic partner in TA’ZIZ. This strategic   with seven world-scale projects already
       (Switzerland) for $6.3bn and expected to   agreement further consolidates TA’ZIZ’s   in the design phase. The second is a Light
       complete the transaction by the end of the first  position as the sought-after partner for local   Industrial Zone, which will be home to
       quarter of 2023.                    and international investment in the UAE’s   downstream conversion industries that will
         In the same deal, MSC will also be   chemicals industry. The partnership supports   convert the outputs of the Chemicals Zone
       acquiring the company’s terminal operations   our national strategy to drive the growth   into consumable products. The third is an
       in Haiti, India and East Timor.     and diversification of the country’s industrial   Industrial Services Zone that will house a
       NEWSBASE                            base, strengthen domestic supply chains and   variety of companies providing the services
                                           enable the private sector to “Make it in the   required by the TA’ZIZ industrial zones and
                                           Emirates†, in line with the leadership’s wise   the wider Ruwais Industrial Complex.
       PETROCHEMICALS                      directives.†                         All projects in the TA’ZIZ Industrial
                                              The chemicals to be produced by the   Chemicals Zone are subject to customary
       Shaheen joints TA’ZIZ JV            TA’ZIZ EDC and PVC project have a wide   regulatory approvals.
                                           range of industrial applications and will create
       Abu Dhabi Chemicals Derivatives Co.   opportunities for export, as well as providing
       (TA’ZIZ) announced this week that Shaheen   local industry with a source of critical raw
       Chem Holdings Investment LLC (Shaheen),   materials manufactured in the UAE for the   TERMINALS & SHIPPING
       will join the proposed TA’ZIZ and Reliance   first time.
       Industries Limited TA’ZIZ EDC & PVC joint   Walid Azhari, Managing Director of   Yemen’s Two-Month Truce
       venture, that will construct and operate a   Shaheen, said: “We are honored to partner
       world-scale Chlor-Alkali, Ethylene Dichloride   with TA’ZIZ and Reliance in this world class   Revives LNG Export Hopes
       (EDC) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) facility,   industrial plant which will include the largest
       at the TA’ZIZ Industrial Chemicals Zone, in   Chlor Alkali plant in the world. We are   A truce in Yemen has generated renewed
       Ruwais.                             looking forward to working with our partners   speculation that a restart of LNG operations is
         The TA’ZIZ Industrial Chemicals Zone is   during the development, construction and   achievable. TotalEnergies says first output will
       a joint venture between ADNOC and ADQ.   operation stages of the project. This project   take six months from any such decision.
       With an investment of more than $2 billion   will be the cornerstone for many exciting   The world is ready to grab every available
       (AED7.34 billion), the project will supply local  downstream opportunities which will create   gas molecule and war-torn Yemen’s prime
       manufacturers, replacing chemicals currently   a whole new industrial cluster in the UAE,   minister Maeen Abdulmalik wants to seize
       imported, while also exporting to meet   in line with the Abu Dhabi Economic Vision   the opportunity. His statement last month that
       growing demand for these chemicals globally.   2030†.                  there are “ongoing efforts† to bring back
       TA’ZIZ will provide new opportunities for   Investment in the production of chemicals   the two-train 6.7mn t/y Yemen LNG export
       local manufacturers, supporting growth of   is a priority for the UAE’s industrial growth   facility at Balhaf has revived hopes of gas
       their knowledge and capabilities, catalyzing   strategy, championed by the Ministry of   exports and revenues. The plant has been shut
       local industrial development.       Industry and Advanced Technology, which   since April 2015 amid Yemen’s civil war.
         Shaheen brings extensive knowledge of   aims to raise the UAE’s industrial sector’s   The sentiment is bolstered by the fact that
       the local market and joins the project with a   contribution of national GDP to AED300   a two-month UN brokered truce between
       focus on utilizing production for use in local   billion by 2031. Chemicals are an attractive   the Saudi-backed Yemeni government and
       supply chains. The agreement marks the first   sector given projected demand growth   Iran-affiliated Houthi rebels has held since 2
       direct investment by a privately-owned United  globally and the opportunity local production   April. Mr Abdulmalik forecasts “$3-5bn in
       Arab Emirates (UAE) company in the TA’ZIZ   creates to grow the UAE’s industrial base.  revenues† if the terminal comes back online
       Industrial Chemicals Zone. It also follows   Chlor-Alkali enables the production of   but says “it may take months.â€
       the investment agreements between TA’ZIZ   caustic soda, crucial to the production of   MEES
       and eight UAE-based investors in December   aluminum, and EDC is used in the production
       2021, which marked the first domestic Public   of PVC for a wide range of industrial and

       Week 19   12•May•2022                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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