Page 13 - DMEA Week 19 2022
P. 13

DMEA                                            REFINING                                              DMEA

       Ghana receiving proposals from

       potential investors in Tema refinery

        AFRICA           GHANA’S Minister of Public Enterprises Joseph  industry association known as the Chamber of
                         Cudjoe has said that the government is starting  Petroleum Consumers Ghana (COPEC), hailed
                         to receive proposals from potential strategic  President Nana Akufo-Addo’s announcement
                         investors in Tema Oil Refinery (TOR).  of plans for the rehabilitation of TOR and urged
                           In an interview with Ghana News Agency  Accra to specify when the project might be com-
                         (GNA) published on May 10, Cudjoe stated that  pleted. “We are happy that he’s now indicating
                         a number of companies had submitted offers to  that there are plans to fix it. Timelines will need
                         the Ministry of Energy.              to be given so the people can at least hold author-
                           He did not name any of these potential part-  ities accountable for this,” Amoah told Citi Busi-
                         ners but said they were willing to provide TOR  ness News.
                         with the technologies and funds it needed to
                         overhaul its physical plant and increase utilisa-  Crude requirement
                         tion levels.                         This week, workers at TOR said that Accra
                           Accra intends to choose one of these firms  should make it a requirement that crude from
                         to help restructure the oil-processing plant, he  the country’s offshore Jubilee oilfield should be
                         indicated.                           processed at the facility.
                           “At the moment, I know the Ministry of   TOR workers argued the refinery is capable
                         Energy is receiving proposals from potential  of turning out enough petroleum products to
                         strategic investors for the restructuring,” Cudjoe  meet 60% of local demand. They also assert that
                         told GNA. “And so we are looking at that window  producing fuels domestically would help signif-
                         where these strategic investors will bring in the  icantly reduce the amount of money paid to the
                         necessary funds, the necessary technical tech-  petroleum distribution companies (PDCs) that
                         nologies and so on for it to operate as expected ...  import refined fuels into Ghana.
                         So that is the restructuring plan.”    Bright Adongo, chairman of the Senior Staff
                           Ghana’s government is determined to pro-  Union of TOR, told the Ghanaian Times that
                         tect and maintain TOR’s assets even though the  capital-intensive petroleum product importa-
                         plant is not operating at its full design capacity of  tion leads to high fuel prices at the pump. Rais-
                         45,000 barrels per day (bpd), he added. Officials  ing capacity utilisation at TOR would help bring
                         in Accra do not see expenditures for such pur-  prices down while also generating additional
                         poses as wasteful, he commented.     revenues for state coffers, he said.
                           “When you have a building, dilapidated, sit-  Adongo also pointed out that TOR had
                         ting there and people are stealing furniture, glass  started refining oil even before Ghana discov-
                         louvres, will you put a security man [there] and  ered its own reserves. As such, he said, there is
                         pay him even though the building is not bringing  no reason why the plant should be idle now that
                         you rents? Will you do that? If you will do that,  the country has commercial crude resources.
                         then you use the same to measure what is hap-  He also urged the Ghanaian public to demand
                         pening at the Tema Oil Refinery,” he remarked.  that the government recapitalise the facility so
                           Cudjoe was speaking shortly after Dun-  that it could fulfil its mandate of producing qual-
                         can Amoah, the executive secretary of a local  ity petroleum products. ™

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