Page 18 - MEOG Week 39 2021
P. 18

MEOG                           NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           MEOG

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  year as planned, despite calls for it to boost flow
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  amid the unprecedented supply crunch on the
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  European gas market.
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their   Output at Groningen is due to be slashed by
                         regional beats.                      more than 50% in the gas year beginning Octo-
                           We hope you enjoy NRG’s new concise for-  ber 1, 2021, to just 3.9bn cubic metres, before
                         mat, but by clicking on the headline link for each  ceasing regular production altogether.
                         section the full text will be available as before.
                                                              FSUOGM: Novatek exec faces charges
                         AfrOil: Eni launches Cabaça North    The deputy chairman of Russia’s second-largest
                         Italy’s Eni has launched the Cabaça North devel-  gas producer Novatek, Florida businessman
                         opment project at Block 15/06 offshore Angola.  Mark Gyetvay, has been arrested in the US on
                           In a statement, the Italian major said it had  tax charges relating to $93mn that was hidden
                         begun extracting crude oil from Cabaça North,  in offshore accounts.
                         a field in the eastern section of its licence area.  Gyetvay played a key role in arranging financ-
                                                              ing for Novatek’s ambitious $27bn Yamal LNG
                         AsianOil: Beach to sell LNG to BP    export project in the Russian Arctic, which came
                         Australian  independent  Beach  Energy  has  online in December 2017.
                         agreed to sell its share of liquefied natural gas
                         production from the Waitsia project onshore  GLNG: Cheniere gets OK for Sabine Pass 6
                         Western Australia to super-major BP.  US LNG giant Cheniere Energy has been given
                           Beach said on September 27 that it had  the go-ahead by regulators to introduce feed gas
                         signed a heads of agreement to sell its 3.75mn  to Train 6 at its Sabine Pass export terminal in
                         tonnes of expected production from Waitsia’s  Louisiana.
                         second phase of the development from the sec-  The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commis-
                         ond half of 2023.                    sion approved Cheniere’s September 15 request
                                                              to introduce feed gas last week.
                         DMEA: Jazan deal and refining fears
                         In this week’s DMEA, we look at the finalisation  LatAmOil: Ecuador to fund transmission
                         of a deal to finance a major Saudi power project  The government of Ecuador will make funds
                         and warnings about the future of South African  available to private companies for the construc-
                         refining.                            tion of $1.9bn worth of new energy facilities,
                           Saudi Aramco, Air Products, ACWA Power  including a new transmission system for the oil
                         and Air Products Qudra announced this week  sector.
                         that they had signed ‘definitive’ agreements to   The funds will enable companies to build and
                         acquire the assets and finance their planned joint  operate new power plants, Energy Minister Juan
                         venture in Jazan Economic City.      Carlos Bermeo said last week.
                           Meanwhile, the South African Petroleum
                         Industry Association this week warned that the  NorthAmOil: PennEast stops pipe work
                         country’s remaining refineries could become  PennEast Pipeline said this week that it would
                         obsolete within two years without financial  stop developing its proposed pipeline from
                         support.                             Pennsylvania to New Jersey.
                                                                The company said PennEast was being
                         EurOil: Groningen to close as planned  scrapped because it had not yet received all of
                         The Netherlands will end gas production at the  its required permits, including a water quality
                         giant quake-causing Groningen gas field next  certification in New Jersey.™

                                               See the archive and sign up to
                                              receive *NRG Editor’s Picks* for
                                                free by email each week here

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 39   29•September•2021
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