Page 15 - MEOG Week 39 2021
P. 15

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       as much as 4.5% during the day. The energy   enrich uranium. It was the target of apparent   Exchange (Tadawul) in December 2019.
       firm won an arbitration award of $607 million   sabotage in June in which one of four IAEA   Aramco’s main purpose is undertaking
       in a gas supply dispute with National Iranian   cameras at the location was destroyed. Iran   all energy-related activities, including
       Oil Co (NIOC).                      removed the cameras and the destroyed   hydrocarbon and chemicals, as well as other
         Outside the Gulf, Egypt’s blue-chip index   camera’s footage is missing.  related and complementary industries, or any
       retreated 0.7%, as its top lender Commercial   “We are deeply troubled by Iran’s refusal   other activity within the Kingdom or abroad.
       International Bank lost 0.8% and E-payments   to provide the IAEA with the needed access   ARGAAM
       platform Fawry Banking and Payment   to service its monitoring equipment, as was
       Technology Services dropped 3.4%.   agreed in the September 12 Joint Statement
         Egypt’s central bank, on Sunday, approved   between the IAEA and Iran,” a US statement   GAS
       the granting of licences to allow merchants   to the IAEA’s board of governors said on
       to accept contactless payments from their   September 27.                Iran ready to extend gas
       customers’ mobile phones.              Iran’s envoy to the IAEA, Kazem
       REUTERS                             Gharibabadi, wrote on Twitter that before   export deal with Iraq
                                           the deal and joint statement were agreed with
       Iran rejects US demands on          the IAEA, Tehran indicated that monitoring   The CEO of the National Iranian Gas
                                                                                Company (NIGC) voiced Iran’s readiness to
                                           equipment at Karaj was “not included for
       access to nuclear site              servicing” because of ongoing investigations.  extend its gas export deal with neighbouring
       Iran on September 28 rejected a US call to                                 During a meeting with an delegation
       grant UN inspectors access to a nuclear site.                            of senior Iraqi electricity officials, Majid
       Washington, said Tehran, was not qualified   COMPANIES                   Chegeni, who is also the Deputy Minister
       to demand inspections given that it had not                              of Petroleum for Gas Affairs, said: “Our
       condemned a sabotage attack on the facility,   Saudi Aramco ends 4% up   relationship with Iraq is strategic and apart
       Iranian state media reported.                                            from economic relations, we have deep
         “Countries that did not condemn terrorist   at 1-year high             cultural and religious relations that are
       acts against Iran’s nuclear site are not                                 very important. The more our cooperation,
       qualified to comment on inspections there,”   Shares of Saudi Arabian Oil Co.’s (Saudi   especially in the field of energy, the deeper
       Mohammad Eslami, head of the Atomic   Aramco) hit today, Sept. 28, their highest level   and more objective these relations will be.”
       Energy Organization of Iran, said during a   since September 2020.         He called strong energy diplomacy one
       visit to Moscow, according to official news   The stock closed 4% higher at a one-year   of the plans of the 13th administration
       agency IRNA.                        high of SAR 36.55, seeing active trading   petroleum minister, and added: “As
         The UN nuclear watchdog, the      on 31.5 million shares – the highest since   mentioned in the meeting with the oil
       International Atomic Energy Authority   September 2020.                  minister, while asking the Iraqi side to adhere
       (IAEA), has complained at Iran’s denial of   Brent oil rose today to its highest level in   to current contracts and previous agreements,
       access to the TESA Karaj workshop, which   three years, crossing the $80/barrel mark,   we are ready to consider new proposals from
       produces centrifuge parts, claiming it has   amid strong global demand for crude in line   the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity to extend the
       an arrangement agreed two weeks ago with   with continued recovery from the pandemic.  gas export contract to that country.”
       Tehran for such access.                Aramco was established in Saudi Arabia   Iranian Minister of Petroleum Javad
         The US said Iran must grant access as   under a Royal Decree on Nov. 13, 1988.   Owji, in a meeting with the Iraqi Minister
       agreed or face diplomatic retaliation at a   The company is wholly-owned by the Saudi   of Electricity, stated that negotiations with
       meeting of the IAEA’s 35-nation board of   government, with SAR 60 billion paid-in   various parties to increase gas exports and
       governors.                          capital, divided into 200 billion ordinary   trade are among the priorities of the Raisi
         The TESA Karaj complex makes      shares without par value.            Administration.
       components for centrifuges and machines that   The company debuted on the Saudi Stock   SHANA

       Week 39   29•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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