Page 10 - MEOG Week 39 2021
P. 10

MEOG                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            MEOG

       Israeli PM tells UN Iran

       has crossed all red lines

        ISRAEL           ISRAELI Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said  hundreds of nuclear warheads.”
                         on September 27 that Iran has crossed “all red   Separately, the UN nuclear watchdog, the
                         lines” set down by major powers for its nuclear  International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA),
                         development programme and pledged that Israel  said on September 26 that Iran had failed to fully
                         would not allow Tehran to acquire a nuclear  honour the terms of an agreement made two
                         weapon.                              weeks ago to permit the watchdog’s inspectors
                           In his first speech to the United Nations Gen-  to service monitoring equipment in the country.
                         eral Assembly, Bennett said Iran sought to dom-  “The [IAEA] Director General [Rafael
                         inate the Middle East under a “nuclear umbrella”  Grossi] stresses that Iran’s decision not to allow
                         and urged a more concerted international effort  agency access to the TESA Karaj centrifuge com-
                         to halt Iran’s nuclear activities, Reuters reported.  ponent manufacturing workshop is contrary to
                         But he also hinted at the potential for Israel to act  the agreed terms of the joint statement issued on
                         on its own against Iran, something it has repeat-  12 September,” the International Atomic Energy
                         edly threatened.                     Agency said in a statement.
                           “Iran’s nuclear programme has hit a water-  Iran’s envoy to the IAEA responded on Sep-
                         shed moment, and so has our tolerance. Words  tember 27 that Grossi’s report was not correct
                         do not stop centrifuges from spinning,” Ben-  and goes beyond the agreed terms of the joint
                         nett said. “Israel will not allow Iran to acquire a  statement.
                         nuclear weapon.” The UN ambassador for Iran,   “Any decision taken by Iran on monitoring
                         which has denied ever having had an ambition to  equipment is only based on political rather than
                         build a nuclear bomb, rejected Bennett’s speech  legal considerations and the Agency cannot and
                         as “full of lies.”                   should not consider it as one of its entitlements,”
                           Bennett, a far-right politician, wants US Pres-  Kazem Gharibabadi said on Twitter.
                         ident Joe Biden to harden his stance against Iran.  “During the discussions in Tehran & Vienna,
                           “Iran’s nuclear weapons programme is at a  Iran indicated that since Tessa Karaj Complex is
                         critical point. All red lines have been crossed,”  still under security and judicial investigations,
                         Bennett said, adding: “If we put our heads to it,  equipment related to this Complex are not
                         if we’re serious about stopping it, if we use our  included for servicing. That’s why the phrase
                         resourcefulness, we can prevail.”    “identified equipment” has been used in the “JS,”
                           “Iran-phobia runs rampant at UN,” Iran’s  Gharibabadi added.
                         UN Ambassador Majid Takht Ravanchi wrote   The workshop was the victim of apparent
                         on Twitter. He added that Israel “is in no posi-  sabotage in June in which one of four IAEA cam-
                         tion to discuss our peaceful program when it has  eras there was destroyed.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 39   29•September•2021
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