Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 46
P. 17

LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                         “A mixed bag”                        the southern part of Kaieteur, which covers an
                         Gerard Walsh, Westmount’s executive chair-  area of 13,535 square km. Netherland, Sewell &
                         man, commented: “The outcome of the Tana-  Associates Inc. (NSAI) has drawn up a report
                         ger-1 exploration well has proved to be a mixed   based on data collected during the 3D seismic
                         bag, confirming the extension of the Liza play   survey that puts these fields’ unrisked gross pro-
                         fairway onto the Kaieteur Block but apparently   spective oil reserves at 2.1bn barrels, with aggre-
                         coming up short at the deeper stratigraphic lev-  gate estimates ranging from a low of 694mn
                         els. As Tanager is a stacked pay prospect, success   barrels to 5.85bn barrels.
                         at a number of stratigraphic levels is required to   Equity in the Kaieteur block is divided
                         achieve stand-alone commercial discovery vol-  between Esso Production & Exploration Guy-
                         ume thresholds. However, these deeper results   ana, a subsidiary of ExxonMobil, with 35%;
                         must be viewed in the context of the very limited   Cataleya Energy (Canada), with 25%; Ratio
                         number of penetrations of these deeper plays to   Guyana, a subsidiary of Ratio Petroleum, with
                         date, indicating that exploration of these deeper   25%; and the US independent Hess, with 10%.
                         plays offshore Guyana is at an early part of the   Westmount Energy is an indirect shareholder,
                         learning curve.”                     through its ownership of a 5.4% stake in Cata-
                           According to previous reports, ExxonMo-  leya Energy and a 0.7% stake in Ratio Petro-
                         bil has identified nine separate prospects in   leum. ™

       Staatsolie calls tender for eight

       shallow-water offshore blocks

                         STAATSOLIE Hydrocarbon Institute (SHI),   for the sites slated for auction on November 30.
                         a division of Suriname’s national oil company   The institute will then close the data room in
                         (NOC) Staatsolie, has opened a new offshore   mid-March and will accept bids until April 30,
                         bidding round.                       2021. It has named Envoi (UK) as its advisor for
                           In a statement dated November 16, SHI said   the bidding round.
                         that eight blocks had been included in the auc-  Potential investors will have the opportu-
                         tions. All eight lie within the shallow-water sec-  nity to submit offers for exploration contracts,
                         tion of Suriname’s offshore zone.    the institute said. These contracts provide for
                           They lie near the western border of that zone,   the collection of 3D seismic data during the
                         to the south of the deepwater oil deposits dis-  first phase of exploration, with a “drill-or-drop”
                         covered by Apache (US) and Total (France) at   before the launch of the second phase, it noted.
                         Block 58 and to the north-west of Tambaredjo   The shallow-water zone is “currently unli-
                         and Calcutta, the country’s two onshore produc-  censed and underexplored,” with only six
                         ing fields.                          exploration wells drilled and little seismic data
                           SHI is scheduled to open its virtual data room   collected to date, SHI noted.

                                       All eight blocks are within the shallow-water section of the offshore zone (Image: Staatsolie)

       Week 46   19•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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