Page 22 - LatAmOil Week 46
P. 22

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       Bahamas Petroleum

       Co. provides update on
       Perseverance-1 well

       In the lead-up to the drilling of Perseverance-1,
       BPC’s obligation exploration well in The Baha-
       mas, the Company is pleased to provide the
       following update on preparations for well oper-
       ations. BPC is a Caribbean and Atlantic margin
       focused oil and gas company, with exploration,
       production, appraisal and development assets
       across the region.
         Highlights: Perseverance-1 is on track to
       spud before the end of 2020; 100% equity to
       BPC, drilling of this potential basin-opening
       well anticipated to take between 45 and 60 days,
       with “tight-hole” procedures in place;  targeting
       recoverable prospective resources of 700mn bar-
       rels of oil , with an upside of 1.44bn barrels, solely
       for the northern portion of the B structure; in the  now in the position to deliver the Perseverance-1  environmental safety plans and protocols have
       event of success, Perseverance-1 would substan-  exploration well in compliance with our long-  been developed, contracted, and approved.
       tially de-risk the total B structure, which extends  held exploration licences in The Bahamas. Per-  “I look forward to updating shareholders of
       for between 70 and 80 kms, has a mapped areal  severance-1 is a potentially basin-opening well,  our continued progress - this is an exciting time
       closure of over 400 km2, and has a ‘best esti-  with the kind of scale and associated value uplift   for BPC.”
       mate’ aggregate recoverable resource potential  exposure rarely offered outside of oil majors.  Bahamas Petroleum Co., November 17 2020
       in excess of 2.0bn barrels.            “At the same time, our activities, in the event
         The Stena IceMAX, one of the most tech-  of success, have the capacity to be economically   President Energy reports
       nically capable drill ships in the world, has  transformative for the nation of The Bahamas,
       completed all necessary vessel and equipment  and could ultimately contribute billions of dol-  testing success at EVN-x1
       inspections, and is scheduled to leave dock in  lars in royalty revenues to the national treasury,
       The Canary Islands before the end of Novem-  at a time when the dual impact of recent hur-  well in Rio Negro
       ber 2020, heading to location in preparation to  ricanes and the Covid-19 pandemic has been
       drill the well. Specific transportation procedures,  especially hard-felt by most Bahamians. Many  AIM-listed President Energy has provided an
       isolation mandates and quarantine protocols  other nations in the region such as USA, Mexico,  update in relation to the testing of the explora-
       are in place to minimise any risk of COVID-  Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname and Guyana,  tion well EVN-x1 near the main Estancia Vieja
       19 disruption to the operation, supplementing  have over the past decade safely and responsibly  field, Rio Negro Province, Argentina, the logging
       comprehensive, approved environmental safety  drilled offshore wells, developed or continue to  of which was referred to in the announcement
       standards and procedures; the Bahamas Defence  develop offshore hydrocarbon resources, and  made on 27 October 2020.
       Force and US Coastguard have been briefed on  reaped the economic benefits of an established   Key points: Preliminary testing of the lower
       operating and safety preparations.  or a whole new industry. Moreover, these other  of the two identified pay intervals shown by logs
         All material contracts and supply arrange-  nations have been able to do so at the same time  now completed; Oil and associated gas success-
       ments completed, logistics and mobilisation  as seeing growth and development of existing  fully and continuously free flowed to surface
       plans finalised. Formal confirmation from the  industry sectors, such as tourism.  without need for swabbing or pumping. This
       Government of The Bahamas of a further exten-  “BPC is fully committed to ensuring safe  represents the first time any hydrocarbons have
       sion of the 2nd exploration period of BPC’s  and responsible operations, and has assembled  flowed from this previously undrilled structure;
       licences, from mid-April 2021 to the end of June  an experienced team of drilling personnel,  Results in line with P50 success case expectations
       2021, reflective of the ongoing impacts of the  supported by many of the world’s largest and  with initial production of over 200 bpd expected
       COVID-19 force majeure.             most respected oil services contractors, with a  plus associated gas. Due to the productive suc-
         Within BPC, the outcome of the Persever-  collective track record of drilling many thou-  cess of this interval, the upper gas prone interval
       ance-1 well is now set within the strategic con-  sands of wells safely, all around the globe. We  will be tested and then produced at a later time.
       text of a portfolio business, with production  are especially pleased that one of the most mod-  Workover rig now moving to the next location
       and cashflow generating assets and a growing  ern, technically capable drilling vessels in the  EVN-x1 will be placed into production in the
       opportunity set of complementary assets across  world will soon leave port ahead of drilling. In  next 14 days
       multiple jurisdictions              support of this, logistics plans to mobilise both   Drilling Programme: As previously
         Commenting, Simon Potter, CEO of BPC,  equipment and personnel safely to site have been  announced on October 27, 2020, the logging of
       said: “Many shareholders have been extremely  finalised, funding is in place, and we have com-  the exploration well EVN-x1 confirmed pay in
       patient and have stayed the distance, as has the  pleted a huge body of work to ensure that best  two clean sand intervals, the lower being oil, the
       majority of the management team, and we are  practices have been applied as our health and  upper being gas prone.

       P22                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   19•November•2020
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