Page 24 - LatAmOil Week 46
P. 24

LatAmOil                            NEWS IN BRIEF                                                   LatAmOil

       Continued to focus on discretionary cost reduc-  to 1,050 metres, at a distance of about 110 km  sold in the Brazilian exploration concessions and
       tions, with operating costs on a per barrel basis  from Cabo de São Tomé, on the northern coast  oilfields.
       decreasing by 10% and general and adminis-  of the state of Rio de Janeiro. In October 2020,   A 10% down payment ($332,664) has been
       trative expenses declining by 9% relative to the  Albacora produced an average of 36,400 barrels  received from EnP and the payment of the
       third quarter of 2019.              per day (bpd) of oil and 606,000 cubic metres per  remaining 90% ($2,993,980) is contingent
         Recognised a net loss of $703,000 ($0.00 per  day of gas. Petrobras is the operator of the field  upon the approval of ANP, which is expected in
       share) compared to a net loss of $1.053mn ($0.01  with 100% participation.  December 2020.
       per share) in the third quarter of 2019 despite a   The Albacora Leste field has an area of 511.56   The net proceeds of the transaction will be
       47% reduction in petroleum revenues between  square km and is located in the northern area  used for the payment of previously announced
       the corresponding periods.          of the Campos Basin, in water depths ranging  acquisition costs, Capex to fund work programs,
          Maintained financial flexibility, exiting the  from 1,000 to 2,150 m, at a distance of about 120  and general working capital purposes.
       quarter with cash of $7,673,000 and raising gross  km from Cabo de São Tomé. In October 2020,   Richard F. Gonzalez, Chief Executive Officer
       proceeds of approximately $30.3mn via a private  Albacora Leste produced an average of 30,000  of Petro-Victory, commented: “This sale allows
       placement completed on November 12, 2020.  bpd oil and 703,000 cubic metres per day of gas.  us to reposition Petro-Victory’s production
         Paul R. Baay, President and Chief Executive  Petrobras is the operator of the field with a 90%  portfolio during the global pandemic, by provid-
       Officer, commented: “The Board’s focus remains  stake and the remaining 10% belongs to Repsol  ing the capital required to increase our working
       on our Ortoire property, where exploration  Sinopec Brasil.              interests and oil production in our core portfolio
       activities to date have significantly exceeded   Petrobras, November 17 2020  of high margin producing assets.”
       expectations. Our base crude oil production                              Petro-Victory Energy, November 12 2020
       continues to cover our operating costs, allowing   Petro-Victory Energy
       us to direct our capital exclusively to our ongo-
       ing exploration programme. The oversubscribed   to sell non-operated     POLICY
       private placement completed post period end
       places us in a strong position to continue the exe-  assets in Brazil    Petrobras comments
       cution of our Ortoire drilling, production testing
       and tie-in operations. We are currently drilling  Petro-Victory Energy has entered into a binding   on Liquigás sale
       our fourth exploration well, Cascadura Deep-1,  Purchase and Sale agreement with EnP Ecossis-
       and we are in the process of finalising a nine-  temas Energéticos Holdings (EnP) for the sale of  Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
       month extension to the exploration phase of the  non-operated assets held by the Company for a  on November 19, 2019, informs that the Admin-
       Ortoire licence. Alongside this, we continue to  consideration of $3,326,644.  istrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE),
       negotiate a natural gas sales agreement with the   The sale is comprised of: a 50% non-operated  in a Court session held on this date, approved the
       National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago.  working interest in 5 onshore exploration con-  sale of Liquigás Distribuidora, a wholly-owned
       I look forward to updating our shareholders as  cessions, as previously announced on October  subsidiary of Petrobras, to the acquiring group
       operations progress.”               26, 2018, in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil.  composed of Itaúsa, Copagaz-Distribuidora de
       Touchstone Exploration, November 13 2020  Included in the five exploration concessions  Gás and Nacional Gás Butano Distribuidora, by
                                           is Block ES-T-487, where the company and its  signing an Agreement on Concentration Con-
                                           operating partner, IMETAME Energia, success-  trol (ACC).
       INVESTMENT                          fully drilled the 1-VID-ES (Vida) exploration   The agreement was proposed by Itaúsa, Cop-
                                           well, as announced on April 7, 2020; option  agaz and Nacional Gás and aims to meet the
       Non-binding phase of                to purchase a 50% operating interest in three  competitive concerns identified by CADE.
                                                                                  The decision will be published in the Federal
                                           onshore oil fields (Lagoa Parda, Lagoa Parda
       Albacora and Albacora               Norte and Lagoa Piabanha) in the Espírito Santo  Official Gazette according to CADE’s regulatory
                                           Basin, as previously announced on November  term.
       Leste sale underway                 25, 2019, for the same proportional amount paid   the transaction is still subject to compliance with
                                                                                  In addition to this approval, the conclusion of
                                           to Petrobras.
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed   The consideration is the refund of 7.5%  other usual precedent conditions. The amount of
       on September 25, 2020, informs the beginning  deposit paid, in the amount of US $702,933 and  BRL3.7bn, subject to adjustments, will be paid to
       of the non-binding phase regarding the sale of all  the assumption of all existing debts and liabili-  Petrobras on the transaction closing date.
       of its stakes in the Albacora and Albacora Leste  ties associated with the working interests being   Petrobras, November 18 2020
       concessions, located predominantly in deep
       waters in the Campos Basin.
         Potential buyers qualified for this phase will
       receive instructions on the divestment process,
       including guidelines for the preparation and
       submission of non-binding proposals, as well
       as access to a virtual data room containing addi-
       tional information about the concessions. The
       main subsequent stages of the project will be
       reported to the market in due course.
         The Albacora field has an area of 455 square
       km and is located in the northern area of the
       Campos Basin, in water depths ranging from 100

       P24                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   19•November•2020
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