Page 4 - MEOG Week 49 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       NIOC nears South Pars

       phase 11 start-up as new

       oil finds announced

       The state oil firm has announced major new discoveries as it prepares to kick
       off gas production from the final offshore phase of the South Pars development

        IRAN             THE National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) said this   Khojastehmehr highlighted that construc-
                         week that it is nearing the start of production  tion  and  commissioning activities  remain
                         from Phase 11 of the South Pars gas field. A day  ongoing at both the onshore gathering site at
       WHAT:             later, a company official announced the discov-  Assalouyeh and offshore in the Persian Gulf,
       South Pars 11 is set to   ery of new oil reservoirs in the south-west of the  noting that the drilling of four Phase 11 wells
       begin production in the   country.                     are in the final stage of completion and tie-back
       coming months with Iran   The latter disclosure was typically vague and  pipelaying work has been finalised.
       ramping up gas output to   pointed only to the area south of the Zagros   He added that this will enable production
       match, and (hopefully)   mountains, a region in which Tehran has pre-  from the phase to begin soon, indicating that
       reliably exceed domestic   viously claimed the discovery of massive oil  first gas is expected to flow before the end of
       demand.           reserves, which turned out to be a heavy layer  February 2023.
                         associated with already established oilfields.  Referring to other developments, Khojaste-
       WHY:                                                   hmehr said that completion work is underway
       Despite being one of   Phase 11 kick-off               to accelerate the expanded development of the
       the world’s largest   Speaking to official state media, CEO Mohsen  South Azadegan oilfield in the southern Khuz-
       gas producers, Iran   Khojastehmehr said on December 5 that Iran’s  estan Province, noting that this is one of NIOC’s
       regularly suffers from   total gas output is currently running at more  top priorities.
       gas shortages during   than 1bn cubic metres, fully covering peak
       peak demand in winter   domestic demand over the winter.  Oilfield developments
       months.             Of this, the overall South Pars development  Meanwhile, he said that engineering, procure-
                         includes 37 platforms across the field’s 24 phases  ment and construction (EPC) and engineer-
       WHAT NEXT:        and produces around 700mn cubic metres per  ing, procurement and drilling (EPD) work
       Yet more massive finds   day. Tehran is aiming to increase output from  had started last week at the Esfand and Sivand
       have been made in the   South Pars to 1 bcm per day as quickly as possi-  oilfields.
       south of the country   ble but requires significant investment to main-  Project tracking data compiled by Middle
       and in the offshore, but   tain and add to production. An additional 50,000  East Oil & Gas (MEOG) shows that South Aza-
       given its existing reserve   barrels per day (bpd) of crude are produced from  degan was running at 140,000 bpd during 2021,
       wealth, these assets are   the field’s oil layer.      with North Azadegan flowing at around 75,000
       unlikely to be developed   Capacity at South Pars is seen growing to 730  bpd. However, official state media have since
       quickly.          mcm per day once Phase 11 is commissioned.  quoted current total output at around 190,000

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   07•December•2022
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