Page 6 - MEOG Week 49 2022
P. 6

MEOG                                   PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       Iran maintains infrastructure,

       sends more crude to Venezuela

        IRAN             THE Iranian Oil Terminals Co. (IOTC) has said  to first pass through the Strait of Hormuz. The
                         that it is working to maintain the country’s oil  terminal is the end point of the Goreh-Jask
                         export infrastructure with a view to increasing  Crude Oil Transfer Project and will also feature
                         crude and product sales. Meanwhile, an Iranian  an initial 20 storage tanks with a total storage
                         tanker arrived in Venezuela carrying 2mn bar-  capacity of 10mn barrels of crude, with storage
                         rels of ultra-light oil.             capacity eventually rising over a further two
                           IOTC managing director Abbas Asadruz was  phases to 30mn barrels. It has been designed to
                         quoted by Ministry of Petroleum (MoP) news  handle exports of heavy and light crude grades as
                         outlet Shana as saying that his company is taking  well as condensates.
                         all the necessary measures to keep the country’s   Two further SPMs with associated pipelines
                         oil terminals maintained and up-to-date.  and metering facilities will expand the port’s
                           Speaking during a visit to Kharg Island Oil  export capacity to at least 1mn bpd as the Goreh-
                         Terminal, Asadruz emphasised the necessity and  Jask pipeline’s capacity rises to that level.
                         significance of maintaining and modernising   With sanctions continuing to hamper Iran’s
                         Iran’s oil infrastructure, including storage tanks,  efforts to increase oil exports, these facilities are
                         pipelines and export docks.          likely to remain underused for some time to
                           “IOTC as a technical, operational and spe-  come.
                         cialised company in charge of crude oil and gas   However, Tehran continues working to lev-
                         condensate export operations must have the  erage ties with its remaining close allies to sell
                         necessary capabilities to carry out the assigned  its crude. In recent months, Iran and Venezuela
                         missions in the best possible way,” he said.  have been expanding their co-operation through
                           Iran has four oil terminals, the largest of  crude swaps – Iran sending light crude to Vene-
                         which is Kharg Island, through which around  zuela for blending with its domestic heavy output
                         90% of its exports currently flow, as well as the  and the South American country shipping heavy
                         major Assaluyeh gas hub. Kharg Island is under-  oil and fuel to the Islamic Republic.
                         stood to be capable of loading 7-8mn bpd of   The Iran-flagged Dore tanker arrived this
                         crude.                               week at Venezuelan state oil firm PdVSA’s Jose
                           In mid-2021, the first 350,000-bpd sin-  terminal carrying 2mn barrels of Iranian crude.
                         gle-point mooring (SPM) was installed at the  Including this shipment, Iran has sent 26mn bar-
                         Jask Oil Terminal, a facility offering Iran direct  rels of crude oil and condensate to Venezuela this
                         export access to the Sea of Oman without having  year.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   07•December•2022
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