Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canadian oil exports via Gulf

       Coast reach record highs

       Canadian producers are reported to have exported record crude volumes

       from the US Gulf Coast at the end of 2021 but continue to face some

       pipeline capacity constraints

        NORTH AMERICA    CANADIAN oil producers are reported to have  mark an increase from around 70,000 bpd in
                         exported record levels of crude via the US Gulf  2019 and 2020, and higher export volumes are
       WHAT:             Coast at the end of 2021. This uptick comes as a  expected to persist over the course of this year.
       Canadian producers   result of new takeaway capacity that started up   The rise at the end of the year follows the
       exported record volumes   last year, allowing more oil to flow from Alber-  start-up of additional pipeline capacity from
       from the US Gulf Coast at   ta’s oil sands to the Gulf Coast. While most  Canada to the US. In October, Enbridge
       the end of 2021.  Canadian oil exports still go to the US, a grow-  brought its Line 3 replacement into service,
                         ing number of barrels is transiting the country  roughly doubling capacity on the pipeline to
       WHY:              before being shipped elsewhere – mainly to  760,000 bpd. Then in December, the Capline
       New takeaway capacity   Asia.                          pipeline from Louisiana to Illinois was reversed
       has helped boost flows   Despite this rise in Canadian exports from  to allow crude to flow from the Midwest to the
       via the Gulf Coast.  the Gulf Coast, though, pipeline capacity con-  Gulf Coast instead. The Capline reversal added
                         tinues to act as a constraint, preventing volumes  about 200,000 bpd of crude pipeline capacity,
       WHAT NEXT:        that take this route out of North America from  opening up opportunities to send additional oil
       Despite this, pipeline   expanding more rapidly. And this will likely  being shipped from Canada to the Midwest on
       capacity limitations   remain unchanged until the Trans Mountain  to the Gulf Coast.
       continue to act as a   oil pipeline expansion to Canada’s West Coast   The additional flows of Canadian crude to the
       constraint on export   enters service.                 Gulf Coast come at a time when oil sands pro-
       growth.                                                duction is also at record highs, having reached
                         Gulf Coast route                     3.5mn bpd. Meanwhile, overseas demand is
                         Canadian oil exports from the US Gulf Coast  higher – driven in part by the loss of Venezue-
                         averaged more than 180,000 barrels per day  lan barrels owing to years of underinvestment
                         during the whole of 2021. In December, they  and US sanctions – as well by a recovery from
                         reached a record high of nearly 300,000 bpd,  the initial waves of the coronavirus (COVID-
                         Reuters cited Kpler’s lead oil analyst for the  19) pandemic. Those Canadian barrels that
                         Americas, Matt Smith, as saying. The figures  are being exported from the Gulf Coast are

                                                                                                  Enbridge’s Line 3
                                                                                                  replacement came
                                                                                                  into service in October
                                                                                                  Source: The Canadian

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