Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The Trans Mountain
                                                                                                  expansion has been hit
                                                                                                  with more delays and
                                                                                                  cost overruns.

                         reported to be going primarily to India, China  pipeline project that would have connected the
                         and South Korea.                     oil sands to the US – TC Energy’s Keystone XL
                           Producers benefiting from these increased  – was cancelled by US President Joe Biden last
                         exports via the Gulf include MEG Energy,  year.
                         Cenovus Energy and – to a lesser extent – Sun-  Beyond this year, though, oil sands produc-
                         cor Energy, according to a Tudor, Pickering,  ers will have another, more direct route to Asian
                         Holt & Co. (TPH) analyst, Matt Murphy, who  markets thanks to the start-up of the Trans
                         was cited by Reuters. Indeed, MEG expects  Mountain pipeline expansion between Alberta
                         roughly two-thirds of its anticipated 2022 out-  and the British Columbia coast.
                         put of 95,000 bpd to be sold into the Gulf Coast.  The Trans Mountain expansion, which is
                           The most prominent beneficiaries have ded-  owned by Canada’s federal government, was
                         icated capacity on pipelines carrying Canadian  previously expected to start up in December
                         crude across the border to the US. Murphy  2022. However, the Financial Post reported last
                         noted that the Canadian oil industry more  week, citing sources familiar with the matter,
                         broadly was benefiting too as increased over-  that the project was months behind schedule
                         seas demand helped to strengthen crude prices  and now unlikely to be completed until some-
                         in the country.                      time in 2023. The costs of the project are also
                           “As we get more exposure to global markets  reported to be escalating, and it is now expected   The additional
                         that’s backing up into Western Canada,” Mur-  to cost more than CAD17bn ($13.4bn), up from
                         phy was quoted as saying. “The industry as a  a previous estimate of CAD12.6bn ($9.9bn) in   flows of Canadian
                         whole benefits.”                     2020.                                crude to the Gulf
                                                               The delays and cost overruns have been
                         Constraints                          attributed to disruptions caused by volatile   Coast come at
                         Some constraints remain, though. In a note  weather, as well as the pandemic.
                         published this week, Capital Economics’ senior   Nonetheless, the expansion will nearly tri-  a time when oil
                         Canada economist, Stephen Brown, said that  ple Trans Mountain’s capacity to 890,000 bpd,
                         there was “little supply response to rising prices”  and Canada’s oil and gas industry considers it   sands production
                         owing to pipeline capacity constraints. As a  imperative that the project is completed if the   is also at record
                         result, Canadian oil production remains close  country’s oil output is to grow further.
                         to 2018 levels even with record oil sands output.  “Trans Mountain remains key,” the Explorers   highs.
                           “With export capacity out of their hands,  and Producers Association of Canada’s pres-
                         producers have been using their income to  ident, Tristan Goodman, was quoted by the
                         pay down debt rather than invest,” Brown said,  Financial Post as saying. The newspaper also
                         noting that energy sector capital expenditures  quoted a vice-president with the Canadian
                         accounted for 0.3% of GDP – less than a third  Association of Petroleum Producers, Ben Brun-
                         of 2014 levels.                      nen, as saying the Trans Mountain expansion
                           This does not appear likely to change this  would “continue to be a very strategic and sig-
                         year, given the limited scope for starting up new  nificant development for our industry, in terms
                         oil pipeline capacity. Indeed, another major  of gaining access to new markets”.™

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