Page 19 - DMEA Week 27
P. 19

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Egypt keeps domestic                previous year to TRY1.8trn, while their net   off-taker of the green ammonia and intends
                                                                                to transport it around the world to be
                                           income increased by 44.5% to TRY78.1bn.
       fuel prices unchanged:              export revenues rose by 15% to TRY516bn,   dissociated to produce green hydrogen for
                                              In local currency terms, the companies’
                                                                                the transportation market, the statement said,
       statement                           but in US dollar terms, the value of their   adding that the project is scheduled come
                                           shipments to foreign markets dropped nearly
                                                                                onstream in 2025.
       Egypt kept domestic fuel prices unchanged   3% to $91bn, given the marked depreciation   The project, which has been billed as the
       on Wednesday under a 3-month pricing   in the lira.                      world’s largest renewable hydrogen project,
       mechanism that links energy prices to   Turkish Airlines generated the highest   would be a cornerstone of NEOM’s strategy to
       international markets, the petroleum ministry   export revenues, followed by automotive   become a major player in the global hydrogen
       said, according to Reuters.         company Ford’s Turkish unit, major   market, according to the statement.
         The price of 95-octane fuel was kept at   appliances producer Arcelik, construction   The project involves the integration of over
       EGP8.50 ($0.5322) per litre, 92-octane fuel   company Ronesans and Tupras.  four gigawatts of renewable power from solar,
       at EGP7.50 per litre and 80-octane fuel at   According to Fortune, 402 companies   wind and storage; production of 650 tonnes
       EGP6.25 per litre. Gas oil prices will remain   recorded a profit, while 98 announced losses   per day of hydrogen by electrolysis using
       EGP6.75 pounds per litre.           last year.                           ThyssenKrupp technology; production of
         The pricing committee decided to keep   The top 500 companies employed a total of   nitrogen by air separation using Air Products
       prices steady after reviewing global Brent   1.24mn people in 2019, up from the previous   technology; and production of 1.2mn tonnes
       crude prices and the currency exchange   year’s 1.15mn.                  per year of green ammonia using Haldor
       rates during April-June, the ministry said in   The companies accounted for 46.2% of the   Topsoe technology.
       a statement. It also noted the effect of “the   country’s GDP, unchanged from 2018.  Sefi Ghasemi, Chairman, President and
       coronavirus pandemic on global economic                                  Chief Executive Officer for Air Products said
       activity and the oil and energy markets.”                                the project would harness “the unique profile
         Over the past three years, Egypt has phased   Saudi’s NEOM eyes global   of NEOM’s sun and wind to convert water to
       out subsidies on most fuel products as part of                           hydrogen.”
       an IMF-backed economic reform programme.  green hydrogen market with       “This project will yield a totally clean

                                           $5bln JV                             source of energy on a massive scale and will
       Refiner Tupras tops                 Saudi companies NEOM and ACWA Power   save the world over three million tons of CO2
                                                                                emissions annually and eliminate smog-
       Fortune’s Turkey 500 list           have signed an agreement with US-based   forming emissions and other pollutants from
                                           industrial gases company, Air Products, to set
                                                                                the equivalent of over 700,000 cars,” he said.
       Largest Turkish refiner Tupras has ranked   up a $5bn green hydrogen-based ammonia   Mohammad A Abunayyan, ACWA Power
       first on Fortune magazine’s top 500 Turkish   production facility powered by renewable   Chairman, said the project would be based
       companies list, with sales at Turkish lira   energy in the kingdom.      in NEOM’s Industrial Cluster and integrate
       (TRY) 89.6bn ($13bn).                  The equally owned joint venture would   and localise cutting-edge technologies that
         The company’s revenues increased 1.2%   be located within the NEOM master   will harness solar and wind power to produce
       last year from 2018.                development in north-west Saudi Arabia,   sustainable and globally accessible green
         The Turkish Energy Stock Market (EPIAS)   and produce green ammonia for export to   energy.
       ranked second with TRY87.9bn in net sales,   global markets, Air Products said in a press   NEOM CEO Nadhmi Al Nasr added that
       followed by Turkish Airlines, the revenues of   statement.               the project would be a milestone for NEOM
       which jumped nearly 20% on an annual basis   Saudi’s NEOM aims to develop a $500bn   in becoming a global leader in green hydrogen
       to stand at TRY75.1bn in 2019.      economic zone and will be owned by the   production and green fuels.
         The combined net sales of the Top 500   government’s Public Investment Fund.
       companies rose around 15% in 2019 from the   Air Products would be the exclusive

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