Page 16 - DMEA Week 27
P. 16

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

       TechnipFMC wins $1bn+ contract

       for Egyptian hydrocracker

        EGYPT            INTERNATIONAL contractor TechnipFMC  products. These other products will include
                         has bagged a contract worth over $1bn to build a  naphtha, LPG, coke and sulphur.
       The complex will   new hydrocracking complex in Egypt.   “Assiut is considering one of the major
       produce up to 2.8mn   The engineering, procurement and con-  strategic projects needed to meet growing
       tpy of diesel and other   struction (EPC) contract was awarded by Assiut  local demand for cleaner products, and we are
       products.         National Oil Processing Vo. (ANOPC), and cov-  extremely honoured to have been selected by
                         ers new processing units for vacuum distillation  ANOPC to contribute to the largest refining
                         diesel hydrocracking, delayed coking, distillate  project to be implemented in Upper Egypt,”
                         hydrotreating and hydrogen production. It also  MacGregor said.
                         involves work on other processing units, inter-  TechnipFMC is working with ANOPC to ful-
                         connections, offsites and utilities.  fil the remaining conditions so that work under
                           “This award demonstrates TechnipFMC’s  the contract can commence. The deal was put
                         long-standing relationship with the Egyptian  together in February.
                         petroleum sector and strengthens our exper-  Egyptian Petroleum Minister Tarek El Molla
                         tise in the delivery of complex projects in the  said separately that the hydrocracking complex
                         country,” Technip Energies president Catherine  would cost $2.8bn in total, up from a previous
                         MacGregor said.                      estimate of $2.5bn. Its construction will help
                           Earlier, TechnipFMC undertook front-end  meet growing domestic fuel demand and curb
                         engineering and design (FEED) work for the  reliance on imports. It is slated to be completed
                         project, under a contract signed in 2018. Tech-  in 2022, although Egyptian authorities have not
                         nipFMC described the new contract as “major,”  said whether the schedule has been affected by
                         meaning it has a value of $1bn or above.  the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
                           The hydrocracking complex will convert low-  Egypt is developing a raft of new refining and
                         value fuel oil from the nearby Assiut oil refinery,  petrochemical projects, to add value to its hydro-
                         some 400 km south of Cairo, into around 2.8mn  carbon resources and bolster domestic supply of
                         tonnes per year (tpy) of Euro-5 diesel and other  key fuels and other products. ™

       Dangote makes progress

       at Nigerian refinery

        NIGERIA          NIGERIAN private industrial conglomerate  Due for completion by the end of 2022, it will
                         Dangote is making progress in the construction  be the world’s largest single-train refinery upon
       Nigeria is heavily reliant   of the 650,000 barrel per day (bpd) Lekki oil  commissioning, boasting a 650,000 bpd oil dis-
       on fuel imports, as its   refinery, set to become the country’s biggest oil  tillation unit, a 3.5mn tonne per year polypropyl-
       own main refineries   processing plant.                ene unit, a 3mn tpy urea unit, and gas processing
       are loss-making and   Installation of key equipment is proceeding,  capabilities.
       in need of repair and   Swiss supplier Sulzer Chemtech said on July 6,   According to Sulzer, the refinery’s process-
       modernisation.    noting it had finished the design and supply of  ing units will contain more than 65 columns
                         internals for all of the refinery’s columns, which  needing more than 15 static mixers. The major
                         contractors are now erecting under the guidance  units include a residue fluid catalytic cracker, a
                         of its engineers.                    mild hydrocracker, an alkylation unit, a naph-
                            After multiple rounds of design checks, engi-  tha hydrofining unit, and catalytic reforms for
                         neering studies and discussions with technology  the production of Euro-5 standard gasoline and
                         licensors, Sulzer Chemtech was able to redesign  diesel, as well as jet fuel.
                         the internals for the refinery, which was earlier   State-owned Nigerian National Petroleum
                         planned to have a processing capacity of only  Corp. (NNPC) also wants to build a 200,000 bpd
                         500,000 bpd.                         condensate refinery to help Nigeria with its fuel
                            Nigeria is heavily reliant on fuel imports, as  issues. Private developers are also building small-
                         its own main refineries are loss-making and in  sized modular refineries. NNPC also wants to
                         need of repair and modernisation. Dangote’s  revamp its existing refineries in Kaduna, Port
                         project is the only major new refinery being  Harcourt and Warri, so that they can operate at
                         built, with an investment cost exceeding $12bn.  profit, but first it needs investors. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   09•July•2020
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