Page 12 - DMEA Week 27
P. 12

DMEA                                   TRANSPORT & STORAGE                                             DMEA

       UAE storage operator Brooge enjoys

       23% hike in revenues in 2019

        UAE              UAE-BASED storage operator Brooge Energy  market participants scrambling to find storage
                         earned $44mn in revenue in 2019, it reported  space for unsold supplies. Fujairah’s facilities
      Storage was more   last week, up 23% year on year. Its gross profit for  reportedly reached full capacity at the start
      valuable than it has   the year came in at $34mn, up 31%.  of April. The port is considered a prime loca-
      been in years during the   The company, which operates oil and oil  tion for oil storage, as it is situated just outside
      pandemic.          product storage capacity in the UAE’S Fujairah  the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow waterway that
                         hub, attributed the growth to a multi-year agree-  carries around 17-18mn bpd of Middle East-
                         ment with an offtake customer at its Phase 1 ter-  ern crude to markets that Iran has repeatedly
                         minals. This meant that the terminal worked at  threatened to block.
                         full capacity throughout the year.     “The disruption to oil markets caused by
                           Commenting on the results, CEO Nicolaas  COVID-19 showed the high strategic value of
                         Paardenkooper noted that Brooge had secured  having well-located storage assets, and we are
                         a multi-year contract for 100% of its Phase 2  pleased that our Phase 1 facilities remain fully
                         storage facilities with the same customer. These  operational at this time, having experienced
                         facilities are due to start up in the second half of  limited impact from the COVID-19 pandemic,”
                         2020 and generate “significant” revenues, he said.  Paardenkooper said.
                           “The launch of our Phase 2 operations will   Brooge recently hired a company to carry out
                         also expand our storage capabilities to now  a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for
                         include crude oil, as well as adding more capacity  Phase 3 facilities. It is also in “advanced negotia-
                         for fuel oil and clean products,” Paardenkooper  tions” with its customer for this capacity.
                         said.                                  “Once Phase 3 is complete, which is antici-
                           Brooge aims to have eight new oil storage  pated to be in late 2022, we will have storage
                         tanks in Fujairah up and running by the end of  capacity for approximately 4.5mn cubic metres,”
                         the year, with a combined capacity of 3.8mn bar-  the CEO said.
                         rels of crude and refined products.    Brooge is also drawing up plans for a 25,000
                           The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic  bpd low-sulphur fuel oil refinery in Fujairah. The
                         and the resulting slump in fuel prices left  port is a major bunkering spot. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   09•July•2020
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