Page 11 - DMEA Week 27
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DMEA                                               NRG                                                DMEA

                         produce more high-value light fuels.
                           In Mexico, independent fuel importers have
                         complained that bureaucratic procedures are
                         becoming more of a burden. Firms not affiliated
                         with Pemex, the national oil company (NOC),
                         say that customs inspectors are throwing up
                         unnecessary roadblocks to shipments of refined
                         fuels, especially diesel.

                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click
                         here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor .

                         OPEC+ compliance and some movement
                         In the Middle East, there were signs that state-
                         owned producers are starting to feel more
                         confident. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait resumed
                         production from their shared Al-Khafji oilfield
                         in the Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ). The asset  Facing obstacles in North America
                         was shut in on June 1 under the banner of efforts  Several North American entities have reported
                         to adhere to OPEC+ quotas; however, the recent  setbacks and disappointments over the last
                         history of the PNZ has been somewhat colourful.  week.
                           At capacity, Al-Khafji and the onshore Wafra   ExxonMobil is set to post two consecutive
                         oilfield can produce around 550,000 bpd; how-  quarterly losses for the first time in its history,
                         ever, the fields were shut in because of disagree-  thanks to the coronavirus pandemic and the
                         ments between the two governments in 2014 and  Russian-Saudi oil price war. According to a
                         then in 2015.                        regulatory filing submitted last week, the US
                           Output resumed at both fields in Decem-  super-major’s upstream oil and gas unit sus-
                         ber 2019, increasing to 260,000 bpd by April,  tained a loss of $3.1bn in the second quarter of
                         with production of 130,000 bpd from each  2020, while its downstream refining unit lost
                         asset. Wafra has remained in production since  nearly $1bn. The company is due to release a full
                         December.                            report on its quarterly results at the end of this
                           Plans are in place to raise output capacity  month.
                         at the PNZ to 575,000 bpd, with an increase   Dominion Energy and Duke Energy have
                         coming in the form of a 25,000 bpd ramp-up at  decided against going forward with the con-
                         al-Khafji, which is currently capable of 300,000  struction of the Atlantic Coast natural gas
                         bpd.                                 pipeline. Even though the partners scored an
                           Meanwhile in Oman, signs of a rebound in  important victory in the US Supreme Court last
                         exploration came by way of Sweden’s firm Tethys  month, they have concluded that the risk of fur-
                         Oil signing an exploration and production-shar-  ther litigation is too high to ensure the project’s
                         ing agreement (EPSA) for the Sultanate’s onshore  viability.
                         Block 58.                              Also on the legal front, a US district court
                           The company has a growing presence in  has ordered Energy Transfer to shut down and
                         Oman and has taken advantage of the downturn  empty its 570,000 bpd Dakota Access oil pipe-
                         to increase its asset base. However, the move is  line (DAPL) within 30 days. Under this ruling,
                         unlikely to be echoed throughout the region,  the company must suspend operations pending
                         with only Israel holding an active 2020 bidding  the completion of a new environmental impact
                         round.                               report, which is likely to take more than a year
                           In the UAE, though, Abu Dhabi National Oil  to complete.
                         Co. (ADNOC) has taken advantage of the dip   Meanwhile in Canada, the Newfoundland
                         in demand to take the giant Bab oilfield offline  & Labrador Oil & Gas Industries Association
                         for scheduled maintenance, with production to  (NOIA) has urged Seamus O’Regan, the coun-
                         remain shut-in until late July.      try’s natural resources minister, to uphold his
                           Prior to the shutdown, production from Bab  recent pledges to assist offshore oil and gas oper-
                         was running above 370,000 bpd of light, sour  ators. “We need immediate action to get people
                         Murban crude, which has an API gravity of  back to work, to remain globally competitive
                         40.5°. Bab has a capacity of 420,000 bpd.  and to retain the investment we have previously
                           The move also aligns well with the UAE’s  attracted to our industry,” said Karen Winsor, the
                         OPEC+ commitments, with July the final month  chairperson of NOIA’s board. “We need a show
                         before the reductions are eased.     of faith in our future and we need it immediately.”

                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then please click   the North American oil and gas sector then please click
                         here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor .   here for NewsBase’s NorthAmOil Monitor .™

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