Page 17 - MEOG Week 37
P. 17

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              economic and trade fields.           EU’s seven Mediterranean nations, which
                                             Underlining the signing of the Iran-  threatened Turkey with sanctions over its
       Iranian, Chinese SMEs to            China MOU as a symbol of joint efforts for   hydrocarbon exploration activities. France
                                           developing the two countries’ long-term
                                                                                has lately strengthened its military presence
       expand cooperation                  cooperation, the official stressed that through   in the eastern Mediterranean to back Greece
                                           inking the mentioned MOU, a new chapter in
                                                                                and Cyprus. The two countries say Turkey is
       Iran Small Industries and Industrial Parks   international events, as well as joint ventures   attempting to intimidate them with a series of
       Organization (ISIPO) and China International  of the two countries, will be opened.  naval exercises.
       Small and Medium Enterprises Fair has   TEHRAN TIMES                       Macron also prompted a response from
       signed a memorandum of understanding                                     Omer Celik, a spokesman for Erdogan’s ruling
       (MOU) for the expansion of industrial and   Macron draws wrath of        Justice and Development Party (AKP). He
       commercial cooperation.                                                  wrote on Twitter that Macron was deploying a
         The MOU was signed during an online   Erdogan                          “colonialist” game by trying to drive a wedge
       ceremony attended by ISIPO Head Mohsen                                   between Erdogan and the Turkish people.
       Salehinia and Wu Hong, the Chinese Deputy   French President Emmanuel Macron has   “The country against which you are using
       Director-General of the Department of   drawn the wrath of Turkish counterpart Recep  threatening language is Turkey. Turkey will
       Industry and Information Technology of   Tayyip Erdogan by stating that his problem   give you the most appropriate response. Mr
       Guangdong Province.                 is not with the Turkish people, for whom   Macron, do not get us confused with those
         Speaking in the signing ceremony,   he has great respect, but with the Erdogan   tribal states that you can easily trick. Nobody
       Salehinia said: “Considering that Iran Small   government.               has the power to separate the elected president
       Industries and Industrial Parks Organization   Erdogan responded with characteristic   of this country and its people,” Celik added.
       and China International Small and Medium   angry rhetoric on September 12, telling   In his speech, Erdogan accused Macron of
       Enterprises Fair have had successful   Macron “not to mess” with Turkey.  “lacking historical knowledge”. “Mr Macron,
       cooperation in recent years, sufficient ground   Relations between the supposedly Nato-  you’re going to have more problems with me,”
       and experience has been formed for the   allied nations of France and Turkey have   he threatened. France, he said, “couldn’t give
       development of industrial and trade relations.”  grown fraught in recent months over Ankara’s   a lesson in humanity” to Turkey. Macron,
         “So far, more than 50 Iranian companies   exploration for gas and oil in areas of the   he added, should look first at France’s own
       have participated in this exhibition and   eastern Mediterranean that are claimed by   record, notably in Algeria and its role in the
       offered their products to the Chinese market   EU members Greece and Cyprus. Paris is   1994 Rwandan genocide.
       that the result of which was signing some   also unhappy at Turkey’s intervention in the   “Macron, you already don’t have much
       successful cooperation agreements,” Salehinia   Libyan Civil War and role in the Syria conflict.  time. You’re on your last legs,” Erdogan also
       said.                                 “Don’t mess with the Turkish people. Don’t   said, referring to the next French presidential
         “At present, we are trying to improve the   mess with Turkey,” Erdogan, under pressure   election, which will be held in 2022.
       cooperation of the Iranian companies with the   from mounting economic problems, said   Erdogan additionally accused France of
       Chinese side in the framework of concluding   during a televised speech in Istanbul on the   intervening in Libya “for petrol”, and in Africa
       this memorandum of understanding”, he   40th anniversary of the 1980 military coup.  for “diamonds, gold, copper”. However, Turkey
       added.                                Macron on September 10 had said    itself was last week reportedly involved in
         Wu Hong, for his part, thanked ISIPO for   Europeans must be “clear and firm with, not   negotiating for oil rights in Libya.
       its cooperation in recent years, considering   Turkey as a nation and people, but with the   US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,
       Iran as an important economic and trade   government of Erdogan, which has taken   meanwhile, visited Cyprus on September
       partner for China in West Asia due to its   unacceptable actions”.       12 and, after meeting Republic of Cyprus
       excellent cooperation with his country in the   He was speaking before the summit of the   President Nicos Anastasiades and Foreign

       Week 37   16•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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