Page 18 - MEOG Week 37
P. 18

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       Minister Nikos Christodoulides, told   eastern Mediterranean and uphold the basic   want to actually restart. And this government
       reporters: “Increased military tensions help   human rights of its citizens.  also has not been willing to restart the
       no one but adversaries who would like to see   “[Our ties] are at a watershed moment in   exploratory talks, so we have to make an
       division in transatlantic unity. Countries in   history, which will go to one side or the other,   agreement,” he said.
       the region need to resolve disagreements,   depending on what happens in the next days,”   Last week brought a war of words between
       including on security and energy resource and   Borrell said.            French President Emmanuel Macron,
       maritime issues diplomatically and peacefully.”  EU leaders are set to meet at a September   Greece’s most outspoken ally in the eastern
         Pompeo said his trip to Cyprus would   24-25 summit to discuss Turkey and   Mediterranean dispute, and Erdogan. Macron
       complement phone calls by US President   further consider whether a strategy driven   drew the wrath of his Turkish counterpart
       Donald Trump with Erdogan and Greek   by sanctions should be adopted. Ankara’s   by stating that his problem is not with the
       Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.  gunboat-backed showdown with bloc   Turkish people, for whom he has great
         The European Union has said it will draw   members Greece and Cyprus over gas and   respect, but with the Erdogan government.
       up a list of new sanctions on Turkey at the   oil exploration entitlements in various parts   Erdogan responded with characteristic angry
       end of September unless Ankara comes to   of the eastern Mediterranean is top of the   rhetoric on September 12, telling Macron “not
       the negotiating table to resolve the territorial   agenda, while the Turkish interventions in   to mess” with Turkey.
       dispute with Greece and Cyprus.     the Libyan and Syrian civil wars, and Turkey’s   BNE
         The seven EU members with         bellicose posturing on the side of Azerbaijan
       Mediterranean coastlines gathered for a   following its border skirmishes with Armenia
       summit in Corsica, France. They said in a   in July, are also causing consternation,   OIL
       joint communique that they reiterated their   with eurocrats concerned that Turkey is
       “full support and solidarity with Cyprus   increasingly asserting itself as a regional bully.   Iran charity to develop
       and Greece in the face of the repeated   Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s
       infringements on their sovereignty [...] as well   stark lurch into authoritarianism since the   Marun oil field
       as confrontational actions by Turkey”.  failed coup against his administration in July
         “We maintain that in the absence of   2016 had already rid Brussels of any notion   A company owned by Iran’s biggest state-
       progress in engaging Turkey into a dialogue   that Turkey could progress its decades-long   controlled charity has signed a contract to
       and unless it ends its unilateral activities,   ambition of becoming an EU member in the   develop part of the country’s second-largest
       the EU is ready to develop a list of further   foreseeable future.       oil field.
       restrictive measures that could be discussed   Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis   Sina Energy Development Co. will carry
       at the European Council of Sept 24-25,” they   called on September 15 for “tangible   out drilling and repair work on 18 wells as
       added.                              solidarity” from the EU in tackling both   well as building pipelines for Phases 1 and 4 of
       BNE                                 the migrant crisis and east Mediterranean   the Marun oil field in southwestern Khuzestan
                                           tensions with Turkey.                province, a report on said, quoting
       EU’s relationship with              as saying that Greece was ready to enter   the company’s managing director, Javad Owji.
                                              Mitsotakis was reported by Reuters
                                                                                  Sina Energy was established in 2007
       Turkey reaches watershed            exploratory talks with Turkey “immediately”   and is owned by the Bonyad-e Mostazafan
                                                                                Foundation, which also reported the deal
                                           on the maritime zones if Ankara ended its
       moment                              “provocations” in the region.        on its website. The foundation is a religious
                                                                                endowment for war veterans and the poor
                                              Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut
       The European Union’s relationship with   Cavusoglu said his country has been   that is ultimately managed by Supreme Leader
       Turkey is at a turning point, the bloc’s top   proposing to restart exploratory talks with   Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
       diplomat said on September 15. Speaking in   Greece. “Exploratory talks actually cover all   It controls a large number of industrial and
       the European Parliament, Josep Borrell urged   disputed issues between Turkey and Greece...   commercial assets, including factories, mines
       Ankara to back down from conflict in the   The previous government [in Greece]... didn’t   and construction firms.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   16•September•2020
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